Example sentences of "from [Wh det] [pron] have come " in BNC.

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1 But the stories told by these twenty prisoners of the camp from which they had come , stirred the most lethargic and bore-minded five year man .
2 A few of the ulema , highly placed in the government , encouraged him in his attacks on the gazi emirates , ulema " whose ideas and sentiments had remained attached to the ancient centres of Islam from which they had come as poor adventurers and to which they intended to return as wealthy ministers of the new master " .
3 Some married well , but most married back into the working class from which they had come .
4 " I want hardwoods planted up that hill , " he waved his arm in the direction from which they had come .
5 The conditions met by Banfield , and other researchers in similar fields dubbed ‘ backward societies ’ , are certainly different from those in the societies from which they have come .
6 Because of his fast-track methods , such people may well be returned to face even greater danger to themselves and their families in the countries from which they have come .
7 However , the right hon. Gentleman chose instead to use the race card , which his party is determined to play in the run-up to the election , by extrapolating from those two cases that there is massive fraud in matters relating to refugees , thereby smearing the character of all those who seek asylum in this country , without any thought of the conditions from which they have come .
8 The tyres screamed and fought for grip and then the whole car did a little wiggle like the backside of a pouncing cat and stormed on , back in the direction from which it had come .
9 Exploiting a new device and a new theory , Williamson made a career in science for himself ; and with later work on coal and the plants from which it had come , he made geology also a laboratory subject , involving apparatus for making thin sections , and a microscope .
10 She climbed onto the bike and set off in the direction from which she had come , gathering speed as she descended .
11 Stunned , he proceeded , coughing , in the direction from which she had come .
12 He had not mentioned it in all this week that Hotspur had spent with him at the abbey , had asked no questions but the most current politenesses about his stay and his journey , and had shown no interest at all in the ceremony from which he had come .
13 Where a similar pattern occurred in the parishes north of the Downland scarp there was some resistance from the local interests of lesser men , displaced as they often were from what they had come to regard as their ‘ customary ’ rights , particularly grazing on the extensive wastes .
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