Example sentences of "from [noun prp] and [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However , melodious success was not entirely fruitful and in the late Eighties Ms Fahey retired from Bananarama and moved to Los Angeles .
2 The younger policeman dragged his eyes from Sarah and looked at Benjamin .
3 The word originated as a marketing term from Germany and referred to a type of board that was easier to control in strong winds than the earlier boards .
4 He was transferred there from Sunderland and placed on life-support .
5 Rhetorically , it was the time of the great horticultural images of education , derived perhaps first from Rousseau and reinforced by Froebel , for whom the child was the tender plant growing in the garden , the kindergarten .
6 He took up his cup from Alexandra and smiled at her again .
7 Economic development , housing , health , social services , roads and public transport , education and planning are functions which should be devolved from Whitehall and brought nearer the people they most affect .
8 He was from Sheffield and worked as a clerk , and was in a fundamentalist evangelical crusade .
9 For instance , take Blind Willie Johnson ( one of Cooder 's big early blues influences ) ; he was from Texas and lived near Dallas , so there 's a good chance the Hawaiians would have visited the area .
10 Cameron recognized several of his workment from Aberfeldy and warmed to their comradeship — he had talked little politics with them ( in the aftermath of the big treason trials , caution had seemed advisable ) but he had passed on his newspapers and one of the men came from Lochaber like himself .
11 The visitor came from Surrey and brought with him a bat , which was duly presented to me — my first cricket bat !
12 The constellation has a distinctive shape , and there are lines of stars extending from Castor and Pollux in the general direction of Betelgeux .
13 Community care co-ordinated from Brussels and delivered into neighbourhoods by the corporate providers of the European Community would seem the final blow to the familial , private and intimately local ideal .
14 The E version of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle says that he was unjustly driven from Ely and went to Rome to clear himself before the pope of the charges brought against him .
15 Amongst Robins 's acquaintances was Robert ( Bob ) Harris , whom Robins had got to know when he came down from Keele and worked with him on Circuit .
16 The following day he lunched with George at Windsor , and that evening the prisoner was removed from Drymen and packed onto the LMS night sleeper from Glasgow .
17 Examples of this approach are typified by the Smart system from Innovative Software , Open Access from SPI and Xchange from Psion .
18 Tales of this sort continued to emerge ; in early 1989 , for example , The Times reported a secret programme on the part of Iraq to build nuclear warheads for a strategic missile being developed simultaneously with technical assistance from Pakistan and finance from Saudi Arabia .
19 Mind you — - " she jerked her head in the direction of the Russell , which had recently returned from Plymouth and lay at anchor in the Pool , " 'E 's got a lot to answer for .
20 Having stolen the roof at Volx from Duboc and Agincourt from menestrel , is he now going to do the same with the Plage route ?
21 Soon some doctors came from Washington and spoke to the workers .
22 The decision , made six months ago , to uproot herself from England and move to the Algarve might not have been easy , but it had been the right one .
23 In early March , during a long visit to the Wordsworths made by Coleridge and Sara — now heavily pregnant with her second child was decided that once Alfoxden had been given up , they should all set sail from England and travel in Germany .
24 The notion that ‘ primitive ’ societies classify and organise their intellectual world simply in terms of their crude ‘ needs ’ , which Goody derives from Malinowski and uses to further characterise ‘ oral ’ societies , has also been subject to some radical revision in recent years .
25 A day was thus taken away from February and transferred to August .
26 Fifteen years ago Ally MacLeod said we 'd bring home medals from Argentina and reneged on his promise spectacularly .
27 In a sudden blur of motion , he leapt away from Grant and sprinted for the cover of the trees .
28 He accepted a glass from Helen and looked at her quizzically .
29 He been with people who had lain on the tracks to try to stop the special trains bringing out 7,600 refugees from Prague and climb on board .
30 Paul Richardson had received a dawn summons from Stephen and arrived at Crystal Springs fifteen minutes later .
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