Example sentences of "from [adv] the [noun sg] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Paisley had based his assertion about the danger to himself on a warning from inside the security forces and this fact meant that he could not establish the credibility of it by revealing the source of his information .
2 From Drewsteignton a steep lane drops to Fingle Bridge and from here the route heads upstream along the gorge , picking its way through woodland which grows thickly right to the water 's edge .
3 From here the route heads through Eymore Wood to skirt the bank of the river Severn to Upper Arley .
4 From there the path falls and rises to reach the dramatic cliffs of Bannau Sir Gaer above Llyn y Fan fach .
5 Yet from 10.15p.m. the line bites began and bream had been rolling steadily along the familiar route for almost an hour .
6 Each step command , from either the delay circuits or the clock , decrements the downcounter , which therefore records the number of step commands to be issued before the target is reached .
7 References to the House of Lords would be available following a decision of the Court of Appeal , but could also be allowed from either the county courts or the High Court where the Attorney-General was satisfied that the criteria for the grant of a certificate under Part II of the Administration of Justice Act 1969 were met .
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