Example sentences of "from [adv] over [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Elsie Stringer , 71 , of Billingham , is taking the plight of Britain 's pensioners to the European Parliament and will address a two-day conference attended by pensioners from all over the EEC .
2 Contributions came from all over the United Kingdom .
3 Yesterday at the Royal Albert Hall there was music-making on a grand scale by young people from all over the United Kingdom , with a prize for the best overall performance .
4 I am raising a point of order because my understanding is that this is the United Kingdom Parliament , which has representatives from all over the United Kingdom .
5 The idea is to invite choirs and musicians from all over the United Kingdom to use our menu , the sheet music and the pack of the fund raising ideas .
6 Yesterday 's contest in London was the final competition faced by piped bands from all over the United Kingdom .
7 The town was also successful in attaining Safer City status and beat off competition from all over the United Kingdom to become Britain 's second Environment City , he said .
8 Said Sheher , the man who organised the competition which brought contestants to Whitby from all over the United Kingdom as well as Belgium and Germany , said : ‘ Karate is a rough sport . ’
9 It used to be called ‘ the Corner of the World ’ as it was said that , seated at one of the tables on the pavement , a Madeiran would eventually see all the people he knew and meet people from all over the globe .
10 Located in one of the richest greenstone belts in the world , companies from all over the globe are continually looking for , and finding , previous metals in the area .
11 Huge chrome and glass complexes open seven days a week sell goods from all over the globe , often cheaper than in their country of origin .
12 They have been collecting goodies from all over the globe , with no trouble or expense spared , and have recently announced that they have just paid a world record price for a rather small amount of tea .
13 The School is an international body whose past and present members include nationals from all over the globe .
14 Adderbury in Oxfordshire may not be the home of international tennis , but it 's poached professionals from all over the globe for the Everest National Club league campaign .
15 This summer there are 17 teams of 6 from all over the globe .
16 Using Windows NT , he said , ‘ companies can downsize critical applications , provide high performance personal computing , integrate their existing desktop business applications and pull together data from all over the organisation . ’
17 Using Windows NT , he said , ‘ companies can downsize critical applications , provide high performance personal computing , integrate their exiting desktop business applications and pull together data from all over the organisation . ’
18 As a water-testing exercise these courses were successful , attracting ‘ students ’ from all over the country and even one from Saudi Arabia .
19 Of the 532 — members of all social classes and from all over the country — 24 girls and 13 boys said they had been involved in prostitution at some time .
20 Members of western clubs from all over the country converged on a private cinema in Kings Cross .
21 By rail Intercity from all over the country .
22 people were coming from all over the country to see her , and anyone sitting at the back of the stalls or the upper circle would not catch a glimpse .
23 As the final election results come in from all over the country , it is clear they will be helping to run many Soviet towns and cities .
24 On January 21st Muslim leaders from all over the country gathered in Bradford to denounce ‘ military aggression against Iraq ’ .
25 New electoral rules will mean that at least part of Congress will be chosen by voters from all over the country , undermining the power of regional party bosses .
26 Russia 's independent Union of Drivers has sent trucks to the coal fields to distribute the food donations that have poured in from all over the country .
27 Sixty nuclear opposition groups from all over the country supported the Union of Concerned Scientists when it presented evidence at official hearings about weaknesses in the emergency cooling systems designed to stop a reactor overheating .
28 Although many of the better-paid staff , especially those with engineering expertise , were brought in from all over the country , much of the local labour came from the town of Bridgwater , ten miles away by road .
29 Reports were coming from all over the country of different children who had been adopted by this kindly old lady .
30 The West Country , where I live , is a natural depository of books , carried down there by people who have retired from all over the country .
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