Example sentences of "from [adv] be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In Titus 3:5 the Holy Spirit is said to be the one who not only regenerates us , but who renews us ; and this work of renewal of our natures from within is stressed in Romans 12:2 ( as we present our bodies a living sacrifice to God ) and in Colossians 3:10 .
2 Within the European Community the threats to the nation-state from above are accompanied by disintegrative pressures from below .
3 Control from above was won by the use of various mechanisms .
4 A clearer proof that cells change when exposed to new influences from outside is afforded by embryonic induction , first described by Spemann in 1924 .
5 The wing that had appeared like a church from afar was clutched in the attenuated arms of a vine , held up by the vine like a drunken dancer in the arms of a lover .
6 The waters from here were reputed to be a certain cure for ‘ the itch ’ , as well as curing dogs of the mange .
7 Scholars from there were invited to Iran , and they brought much Greek learning with them .
8 Pictured at Ipswich Airport on October 2 , the following day the aircraft was dismantled and loaded onto a low loader for transportation to Felixstowe Docks and from there was shipped to its new owners in New Zealand .
9 Other products from abroad are coming onto the market , but the Didcot meeting agreed that there is scope for improvement .
10 ‘ All the food parcels people sent us from abroad was stolen by the post office , ’ said Alejandro .
11 OWNERS of De Loreans from abroad were arriving in Northern Ireland today for the start of a celebration to mark the 10th anniversary of the Ulster-built car 's official fan club .
12 In actual fact requests from overseas are dealt with in one of four regional committees and those from with Christian Aid are dealt with in the Budget Committee .
13 Eva and several of the cadets from overseas were put in the West End brigade to do their bit .
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