Example sentences of "from [det] [noun pl] to the " in BNC.

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1 Highland Regional Council 's policy and resources committee nominated four councillors to serve on a special Highland liaison committee on travellers , in spite of strong objections from some members to the committee considering the new-age phenomenon .
2 It also announced that it was reducing customs duty on sales from such zones to the domestic market .
3 The free individual … can not … be concerned purely with his individual choices and the associations formed from such choices to the neglect of the matrix in which such choices can be open or closed , rich or meagre .
4 Most mortgagees have required specific consent from such persons to the taking of a charge by the mortgagee over the property or where they consent to a transfer of the property subject to the mortgage , coupled with confirmation from such persons that their rights are postponed to those of the mortgagee under its mortgage .
5 Draw radial lines from these divisions to the centre point , now join with straight lines where these radial lines cross the semi-circles .
6 That young girl hardly out of her teens , married to an ailing elderly man , probably never went out of the house apart from these visits to the hospital .
7 Extrapolation from these studies to the past is difficult , for only superambient [ CO 2 ] and a limited range of processes and temporal scales were considered .
8 Tizard points to the fallacy of generalizing from these studies to the issue of day care , and is able to cite examples of American research evaluations which suggest that day care can actually be beneficial for some children 's development , and does not appear to impair children 's relationships with their parents .
9 It is a huge step from these uses to the recording of all embracing clinical descriptions for multiple purposes .
10 To descend from these heights to the commonplace , we have already seen that at the beginning of his time as abbot of Bec , Anselm had a problem about the rights of the abbey of Bec .
11 At first I heard only a few calls ; within ten minutes , at least twice as many animals were calling , and , by circling about the pool , I observed that a steady stream of spadefoots was coming from all directions to the breeding area .
12 The broadly favourable response from all quarters to the New Brighton and Vauxhall draft area strategies suggests MDC has succeeded in allaying local fears of inappropriate development and has responded to local aspirations in a way that will promote co-operation with the private sector .
13 Solicitors in respect of their first three practising certificates are exempt from all contributions to the Fund ( whether or not they have held clients ' money ) , and in respect of their next three renewals are only required to pay one half of the full amount .
14 The burden of collective security in Western Europe should be shared more equally ; we will press for contributions from all nations to the costs of joint forces such as NATO 's proposed Rapid Reaction Force — of which Britain will provide almost half .
15 For example , the UK performs insurance services for other countries and the premiums are payments due from those countries to the UK .
16 The S. African British are entirely relieved from any obligations to the mother country .
17 THE parents of 20-year-old Howard Ross-Bain , who died after he was hit by a car near the ruins of Ephesus in Turkey between 2pm and 4.30pm on Tuesday 16 August , wish to hear from any witnesses to the accident .
18 What we are aiming for is commitment from both teams to the negotiation .
19 All this requires an enormous amount of work from both parties to the partnership , and that work represents the investment from which dividends may be expected .
20 The warm reception accorded from most quarters to the Woolf report on the prison riots of April 1990 ( Woolf and Tumim , 1991 ) suggests that its diagnosis and prescription bid fair to become established as the standard liberal account of what causes prison riots and what should be done to prevent them .
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