Example sentences of "from [pron] [adj] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The Society gives help and advice to regional representatives who in turn liaise with their Regional Sports Councils from whom financial help and expertise is often available .
2 But his was one of the many families in the streets that ran off the main road at the bottom of the hill and from whom this shop and the tobacconist 's derived most of their regular custom .
3 The sun 's warmth falls on my body , its rays filling me and driving from me all fear and shadows .
4 So many patients have fled from me this morning because I am not Doctor Rice .
5 A group of Puritans who felt that the Church of England was too close to the Roman Catholic Church had left England and gone to the Netherlands ; they noticed with regret that their children were becoming Dutch in speech and habits , and some of them decided that their best prospect of remaining both godly and English was to get in touch with the Plymouth merchants , obtain from them financial support and the legal right to found a colony , and go somewhere in America where English bishops would not interfere with them .
6 Once a scientist has universal laws and theories at his disposal , it is possible for him to derive from them various consequences that serve as explanations and predictions .
7 Sooner than he had expected , Harry found himself back in Swindon Central Library , this time perusing the national newspapers for 2 June 1987 in the hope of gleaning from them some clue as to what had eluded him on his visit to Tyler 's Hard .
8 It 's terribly difficult trying to get from them any acknowledgements that there could be something wrong about making a complimentary remark to a young woman .
9 Newspaper correspondents and representatives of the Ministry of Information were frequent visitors to Burma , and we did our best to give them what news we had , to tell them about government hopes and plans , and to extract from them any news and wisdom they had to give us .
10 ‘ Well , you ought to 'ave another one , for savin' a homeless girl from them 'orrible geezers and all the cold and fog . ’
11 Of her time at Somerville Sue comments : ‘ I 'm afraid I got far more from my extra-curricular activities than I did from my studies ’ .
12 I do not like the mobile , but it is a present from my new sister so I pretend .
13 In any case , it does not detract from my central theme that ‘ traditional ’ chemistry is brought alive by anecdotes and can be great fun , a feat that modern chemistry simply can not match except perhaps in the case of hydroxyethane ( ethanol ) , after a few glasses of which , who cares anyway ?
14 I woke from my introspective dream and said , ‘ What kind of show will it be ? ’
15 I slid a slim vibro-dagger from my right boot and stepped grimly forward .
16 Except a long metal trunk on the floor which removed a couple of inches of skin from my right shin as I scraped round it .
17 I worry that it 's coming from my sticky hand and I 'm frightened that the man will smell it .
18 We 've got a lot of different opinions there , I mean from my personal experience when I was a customer sales manager my , my students or particularly some of them , well I would say the brightest kind of people in the branch , and they had the most attention , and it 's very easy I think to write them off .
19 But I realize , as I sit here in the offices of the Strategy Unit , away from my usual desk and my usual routine , and charged with scrupulous self-examination , that I look forward to being interrupted , and that I also get a certain satisfaction from these sighs and clickings of the tongue .
20 At that time I was working for the LNER on the Tyneside electrified lines , and had had a gentle hint from my then boss that he would like to know what Mr Rostron was up to .
21 ( It led to the partial withdrawal of the present writer from my political party and was a factor in my decision in the following year to join with others in setting up a new political party , the British Ulster Dominion Party . )
22 I had already got some friends who came from my primary school but I realized that I could n't stay friends forever with them .
23 Control wanted a complete run-down , and knowing the way Hurley operated , I think the DIA probably had a better handle on it from my back-channel stuff than DEA headquarters did through its own official channels . ’
24 Quite apart from my academic concerns and duties — consciously removed from them , indeed — I have political interests and commitments focussed also on Europe .
25 From my past experiences and many finds I have plenty of knowledge in the field and this enables me to help people choose the right detector to suit them .
26 I may not suffer much from amour propre , but I 'm fucked if I 'm prepared to run the risk of running into people from my past life while clad as a bellhop .
27 It is clear from my brief remarks that I endorse the Government 's judgment .
28 I know from my photographic experience that both paper and acetate readily stretch and shrink with changes in humidity and that even the finest 0.10mm line represents 2.5m on the ground .
29 I erm unfortunately , er , agree with the previous speaker that a very strong calvinistic streak runs through me and I believe in the two parent family and also in the efforts that you should make to keep the family ge together , but I think too , there 's sp , er , perceptions of individuals and particularly , younger generations now in society , are so much different from my own perceptions when I initially became married and started my own family but what society has to look at the perceptions and expectations of the individuals in society .
30 I mean , I knew from my own experience that carers were not getting the help , they were not getting the back-up , so any sort of really good telephone numbers I had laid my hands on got sort of written away in a wee book , and I was lucky enough to come across an association that actually backed up carers and actually were willing to sort of , put their life on the line and say to me , yes , you have got rights and you need support and we are here to give you that support .
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