Example sentences of "from [pron] [noun] [that] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I think that 's why so many people from our school went into scientific things — they pushed you that way , but I know from my friends that the secondary school where a lot of my friends went to , the girls were encouraged to do typing , hairdressing , home-economics , all the rest of it .
2 It 's clear from my inquiries that the FA originally envisaged Wednesday , September 9 as a triumphant homecoming for Taylor and his assistant Lawrie McMenemy — ‘ Just put your feet up and watch us win . ’
3 I understand from my solicitor that the custody hearing wo n't be till after the Easter holidays , so we have plenty of time .
4 " Officers had instructions from their employers that no English need apply and that the best chance a man could have to get employment would be that he could not speak the English language ; then he was sure to get a situation " .
5 It 's implicit from their staging that the band knows they 're nothing to look at , and they were smart enough to create a slide show that transfixes the audience .
6 For example , they looked in detail at each major recession and argued from their observations that the money supply declined for reasons other than the recession itself and that the fall in money national income generally followed the fall in the money supply .
7 We can see from their coins that the portraits of Roman emperors of the third century AD were individualised , but the identification of their three-dimensional portraits is still difficult because not many survive ( a result in part , at least , of the very short life expectancy of an emperor during this troubled period ) .
8 Using US data for the period April 1966 to March 1967 ( 4,148 observations ) , Elton and Gruber were able to conclude from their findings that the lower the dividend yield the higher the implied personal income tax rate and that there was a clientele effect .
9 British importers rely mainly on assurances from their suppliers that the timber has not been illegally felled .
10 With hindsight , one can read from their responses that the days of recruiting women as hand-setters were in any case numbered .
11 The credit for recognising from their contents that the ‘ small barrows ’ were not Roman or Danish , but burial places of the Saxon period , belongs to the Rev James Douglas who also excavated in Kent , from 1779 to 1793 .
12 Thirty-one out of thirty-six City banks joined in this key venture and it was also from their group that the practice of banks holding accounts at the Bank of England and re-discounting through it developed towards the end of the century .
13 And it was from their number that the most prominent socialist leaders of 1917 were drawn .
14 Prisoners are often transferred so far away from their homes that the social problems become immense and the difficulties are exacerbated rather than diminished .
15 The lack of such a reference stems , in my view , not from the fact that the judges were wrong , as Mr. Gardiner submitted , but rather from their recognition that the cases did not support the existence of such a principle as was contended for .
16 As her voice died away into a mumble , Greg could see from her face that a thought had struck her .
17 Ken Viljoen , then 21 , made the Springboks ' only hundred in the Tests , and it is from his diary that the authors have recreated the events of 1931–32 , on and off the field .
18 Szasz is putting the position at its most extreme , but I recognise the truth in what he is saying and , apart from his implication that the definers are acting with conscious deliberation , I think he is right .
19 The case was a strong one , not least because Leonard Arthur had admitted that if parents rejected a mentally handicapped child ( which they had ) it was honest and ethical from his standpoint that the child was better off dead .
20 An interesting sidelight on battlefront conditions came from his remarks that the Peshmerga brought in for attention mainly tended to be suffering from wounds to their limbs from weapons such as Kalashnikovs , since those who sustained head or body injuries generally failed to get as far as a field hospital .
21 I do n't know what he did with his spare time , although I suspect from his conversation that a lot of it was spent in pubs . ’
22 One could never have guessed from his enquiries that the matter was somewhat uncongenial to him .
23 However he was so dirty from his ride that the Master of Ceremonies placed him in a distant corner , far from the Emperor , and at the end of the queue for food .
24 It would appear from his judgment that the main argument before him on behalf of W. was on the basis of section 8 giving W. an absolute right to refuse treatment .
25 It is evident from his report that the temple was deliberately demolished and the bronze statues and internal fittings broken up , but the only comment on the date comes in a brief account of the discovery of a ‘ large number of bronze and iron objects including fragments of broken statuary ’ .
26 If a portfolio manager is considering investing in a company for 5 years , how much should he be prepared to pay if he finds out from his broker that the company is expected to perform as follows : .
27 I have to advise the information to the economic development panel which indicates from our survey that the report carried out last year by Consultants that the airfield , the runway in Hatfield makes only a very minor contribution to the economy of Hertfordshire .
28 It will already be apparent from our narrative that the genesis of BT is far from straightforward .
29 From our simplification that every price is a cost-plus price , it follows that the average cost of domestically produced material inputs to any single firm is determined by the average labour costs of other firms .
30 If hysterectomy does change bowel function it seems likely from our data that the primary problem is in the act of defecation rather than in colonic function , as there was little or no change in stool form yet half the subjects felt they were prone to constipation and a quarter strained with every recorded defecation .
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