Example sentences of "from [adj] [verb] by the " in BNC.

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1 A party may also avoid being in breach by including clauses giving it a unilateral right to change the contents of the contractual obligations , such as clauses allowing the seller to change the delivery date , deliver a different quantity from that ordered by the buyer , alter colours , specifications etc. ( b ) Excluding liability A second alternative is for a clause to state , baldly , that a contracting party is not to be liable , or responsible , for stipulated acts .
2 But there was agreement on one simple point : that if diversity was really needed it would best be served by a quite different approach from that advocated by the CEGB .
3 It is an area distinct , but not entirely separate , from that addressed by the law and economics movement , which focuses on the application of economic theory to matters of legal concern .
4 However , the concern to increase intra-party democracy and change the balance of power within the Labour Party bespeaks of a profound commitment to create a kind of democracy in Britain very different from that entrenched in the established constitutional set-up and different from that desired by the constitutional authorities and the Alliance who both wish to see legal limits on Parliament as well as a revival of the autonomy of parliamentary government itself .
5 Yet in the excitement of becoming a parent it is easy to forget that for some the impact can be not so dissimilar from that caused by the discovery of a rival lover .
6 The store will be quite separate from that planned by the Central Electricity Generating Board to house spent nuclear fuel before it is reprocessed .
7 Does this not constitute a radically different form of theism from that practised by the Near Eastern religions ?
8 I am quite unable to accept that Parliament in adopting somewhat more prolix language was intending to achieve a result which differed from that recommended by the committee .
9 In making his decision , he seeks the advice of the judiciary , but if he has good reason for doing so , he is , as a matter of law , entitled to set a tariff period different from that recommended by the judges .
10 The Housing Act 1925 , s. 46 provided for the assessment of compensation for land acquired compulsorily under an improvement or reconstruction scheme made under that Act in a manner differing in certain respects from that prescribed by the Act of 1919 .
11 An auxiliary , therefore , does not evoke a separate event from that expressed by the verb form it accompanies , but merely denotes the way the latter 's event is conceived , the point of view from which the speaker regards it .
12 some course leaders ' definition of ‘ enterprise ’ differed from that given by the Enterprise Centre — a number believe that a particular industry 's skills should be included under the umbrella of enterprise .
13 Indeed , those in the Behaviouralist camp saw themselves as working within an intellectual framework altogether different from that inhabited by the Realists .
14 Thus , the dairymen who farmed the lush meadows of the Dove Valley geared their husbandry to a different system from that followed by the sheep-and-corn farmers on the Lincolnshire Wolds , and the range of opportunities for earning a living and for gaining some measure of independence from a lord or squire was much greater for a cottager living on the edge of a moor , forest or marsh than the scope available to his counterpart in one of the nucleated , corn-growing villages of the Midland Plain .
15 The majority of the court , while dismissing many of the arguments that had found favour in Re Anschuetz and earlier cases , did little to advance the position from that reached by the Court of Appeals in Re Anschuetz .
16 If observed planetary behaviour differed from that predicted by the Copernican research programme at some stage in its development then the hard core of the programme could be protected by modifying the epicycles or adding new ones .
17 Behaviour would appear to depart from that predicted by the optimality theory .
18 By the early twentieth century , paleontologists were promoting a coherent model of evolution that differed significantly from that proposed by the early Darwinians .
19 Many companies manage their cash on bases different from that required by the FRS 1 cash flow statement and , as cash management information would be readily available to most companies , it may be more efficient and cost effective to present this information rather than a full statement .
20 If the education and training differs substantially from that required by the same profession in the ‘ host ’ member state , an aptitude test or a period of supervised practice may be necessary .
21 For instance , the rule of contributory negligence applicable to collisions at sea differed from that established by the common law of tort .
22 The Metropolitan has a different station here from that used by the District and Piccadilly Lines .
23 The London boroughs and metropolitan districts closely resembled the unitary authorities but they operated in a quite different regional context from that intended by the Royal Commission .
24 Crucially , the child 's interpretation of these factors might be quite different from that intended by the adult .
25 ‘ It may of course be perfectly proper for the court to put on the Act an interpretation different from that intended by the framers of it .
26 Second , and part of the power battle over the constitution of the Labour Party , there is a concern to secure a democracy in Britain different from that entrenched within the established liberal-democratic constitution and different from that envisaged by the Liberals and Social Democrats .
27 In particular , Wagner 's ( 1981 ) theory ( see Chapter 1 ) asserts that the state of activation produced by an associative link ( A2 ) is different from that produced by the stimulus itself ( the A1 state ) .
28 In fact , those who support the introduction of a Bill of Rights tend to see the state in essentially " negative " terms : it is regarded as the only real threat to individual freedom and liberty ( apart from that posed by the collective activity of trade unions ) because freedom itself is defined negatively as simply involving an absence of public and legal restraint on individual action .
29 Welfare provision , apart from that provided by the prison staff themselves , was non-existent .
30 Note that if a package has been marked for processing it is also read out since the file name chosen by the package at this level may be different from that chosen by the package at the next level .
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