Example sentences of "from [noun] [noun] by [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is a rock formed from vegetable matter by the process of metamorphism .
2 G. eucnemus ( Fig. 8 ) differs from G. caputmedusae by the following characters : the disk is covered by hemispherical granules which occur more densely on the radial shields than interradially and in some large specimens the interradial areas look bare until examined closely .
3 G. caputmedusae differs from G. lamarcki by the density and type of disk covering .
4 It was agreed that the Georgian and Russian governments , together with the government of the North Ossetian autonomous republic ( inside the Russian Federation ) , would work for the resettlement of the tens of thousands of refugees displaced from South Ossetia by the conflict , and for the " restoration of the lawful local government bodies " .
5 This was not the distillery at Newton House which was supplied with water from Loch Skerrols by a lade which ran just inside the wall of the wood below Newton school where J. MacFarlane made 3937 gallons .
6 It can be separated from O. bidentata by the following characters ; the spinelets of the disk have more points and are more irregular ; the arm spines are highly rugose and the tentacle scale is also rugose and spine-like while that of O. bidentata is small , flat and scale-like .
7 However , O. cordifera appears to be a valid species which can distinguish from O. clavigera by the following characters : the shape of oral shield which is rounded slightly irregular in O. clavigera but pentagonal to rhombic often with an acute proximal angle in O. cordifera , the adoral shields are not separated as in O. clavigera but meet in the midline , proximal to the oral shield in O. cordifera and the larger size of the granules of the disk in O. cordifera .
8 O. opercularis can be distinguished from O. bairdi by the disk bearing only low granules , the shape of the oral shield which is more rounded , the shape of the proximal oral papillae which are more rounded than those of O. bairdi , finally the tentacle pore is smaller — although this may be due to the small size of the specimen .
9 O. glacialis can be distinguished from O. purpureus by the absence of tentacle scales ; the shape and position of the second oral tentacle scales and by a lack of dorsal arm plates .
10 Although Koehler ( 1914 ) suggested that O. nodosa was conspecific with O. anomala several differences are apparent , O. anomala differing from O. nodosa by the following characters : 1 , the jaw appears narrower than O. nodosa ; 2 , the apical and oral papillae do not appear to be as long nor as widely separated from each other as in O. nodosa ; 3. the distalmost oral papilla is often large and flap like in O. anomala but long and flattened like the other papillae in O. nodosa ; 4. the shape of the oral shields differs in O. anomala where it is rounded pentagonal with a rounded to obtuse proximal angle , straight lateral sides and a straight or slightly rounded distal edge , in O. nodosa it is a more ornate pentagonal shape with an obtuse proximal angle , slightly indented lateral sides and a rounded distal edge or one with a slight median projection ; 5. the ventral arm spines of O. anomala are slightly rugose with small or no secondary points doing the shaft ; those of O. nodosa have very prominent secondary points along the shaft ; 6. the ventral arm plates of O. anomala appear to be narrow and less axehead shaped than O. nodosa .
11 However , O. abyssicola differs from O. granulifera by the following characters : the arm spines only form a fan on the first free arm joint while in O. granulifera the fans extend along at least half the arm ; the spinelets of the disk differ , those of O. abyssicola are trifid and glassy while those of O. granulifera are low and resemble granules ; O. abyssicola has a rounded disk whereas O. granulifera 's disk is indented interradially , although this could be an artifact of preservation .
12 O. clavigera can easily be distinguished from O. globifera by the following characters : the plates of the dorsal side are thin not as well developed as in O. globifera ; the spinelets of O. clavigera often have an enlarged rugose tip , those of O. globifera are all of one kind , low and rugose , nearly granuliform ; the apical and oral papillae of O. globifera are shorter and not as rugose as those of O. clavigera ; the oral shield is more regularly rhombic in O. globifera than O. clavigera and the tentacles scales of O. globifera are large rounded while those of O. clavigera are small and spine-like .
13 Ophiolimna bairdi can easily be distinguished from O. lineata by a number of features : the disk is covered with granules , not spinelets ; which extend on to the oral frame ; the oral shield is a large triangle and the oral papillae have a different shape and arrangement ( see p. 60 )
14 O. oedipus can be distinguished from Asteroschema inornatum by the following characters : the disk is not densely covered by granules , the disk is more developed and the ventral areas are skin covered .
15 Figure 4.4 shows a simplified flow diagram for the manufacture of batches of caustic soda , NaOH , from sodium carbonate by the bossage process .
16 Of the two sources , excise revenues outweighed those from customs duties by a usual ratio of 2 : 1 .
17 Cards are typed by Typing Pool from slips hand-written by the Serials Librarian .
18 Slow transit constipation can be distinguished from outlet obstruction by the ingestion of a capsule containing 20 shapes followed by an abdominal x ray film taken on the fifth day ; 80% retention of the markers signifies slow colonic transit .
19 Up to 1914 almost 80% of the annual import of grain continued to be discharged from grain vessels by the highly skilled labour force expert in the use of hand tackle with the remaining 20% being mechanically handled for bulk storage in the warehouse .
20 Variation from authority averages by the two methods differed not only in size but in direction .
21 As controversy rages over the forcible repatriation of the Vietnamese boat people from Hong Kong by the British , and the United States and Britain continue heated exchanges on that and other related matters , such as the possible role of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia 's future , it becomes increasingly clear that Vietnam 's legacy is not confined to those who lost and won the war .
22 On Christmas morning 1950 the Stone of Scone was removed from Westminster Abbey by a group of young Scots led by a law student , Ian Hamilton .
23 In April 1990 the US Congressional Budget Office published a report which claimed that adoption of statehood could cost Puerto Rico 100,000 jobs and 73 per cent of its investment from US companies by the end of the decade , through the loss of Puerto Rico 's generous tax incentives under Section 936 of the Internal Revenue Code .
24 This was to be achieved on a graduated scale , with 15 per cent of the total being exempt from import tariffs by the start of the agreement on Jan. 1 , 1993 , 50 per cent by 1994 , 75 per cent by 1995 and 100 per cent by 1996 .
25 The fact is that nothing was done about the matter , and the goats were released from farm isolation by the ministry with subsequent disastrous results for me and for others .
26 To the south , beyond the darkness of Chung Hai , the ancient Mediterranean , glowed City Africa , its broad , elongated shape curving out of view , while to the east — separated from City Europe by the dark barrier of the East European Plantations — City Asia began , a vast glacier , stretching away into the cold heart of the immense land mass .
27 Editor , — It is unfortunate that Gary P Bray adds to the confusion over deaths from paracetamol overdose by an apparent failure to recognise the difference between the cause of death and a coroner 's verdict as to its motivation .
28 The meeting had originally been scheduled to start on July 1 , but had been delayed as a result of Sri Lanka 's announcement on June 24 that it would not participate because of India 's refusal to agree on the withdrawal of the Indian Peace Keeping Force ( IPKF ) from Sri Lanka by the latter 's deadline of July 29 [ see p. 36735 ] .
29 An answer comes from X-ray observations by the Ginga satellite of iron atoms in the bulge that are so highly ionized that they retain only two electrons .
30 These teams ( and the Central Nottinghamshire team ) were line managed direct from County Hall by the SPOs , who had a broad managerial remit for all social services field services for people with learning difficulties .
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