Example sentences of "from [noun] [Wh pn] had [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The Madame lived to the age of 90. when she died , some time in the 1970s , the hotel was left to Abdulrahim , a Nubian from Aswan who had come to work for the Madame as a young boy before the Second World War .
2 Most bears were small and black , sometimes no higher than a man , but this great , shaggy-furred animal reminded him of stories he had heard from knights who had served with the Teutonic Orders in the wild black forests of the north .
3 One of the attackers , an Irishman , got a handhold on a gun casement ; he was a redleg from Oualie who had fled forced labour on a nearby island and determined to survive in freedom .
4 Some were descended from refugees who had fled before the advancing Turks in the fifteenth century ; others had forebears who were led out by the Patriarch Arsenije of Peć in a mass migration of an estimated 100,000 Serbs in 1691 .
5 It would have been a long story , the warming of friendship and respect between the barrel-chested Iraqi Colonel and the young man from England who had proved he could stalk and kill .
6 The youngest was a Spanish cabinboy who had run away a few years before from his vicious captain , the oldest a maroon from Benin who had fled a plantation on an island to the north : he had stowed away in a pirate ship that had stopped to draw water on Oualie .
7 It was a mostly garbled , semi-literate report put together by the free-lance Ichaelan spy , largely based on idle remarks and hints and speculations picked up from technicians who had worked on Ardakke .
8 William McCrea 's family were Presbyterian farmers from Tyrone who had heard Paisley preach in a tent near Dungannon :
9 But the nodding baby , the beginnings of whimpers from Helen who had decided that she minded bitterly that her fairy doll had spent Christmas in a cardboard box , Mrs Chamberlin 's gallant attempts to fight her own fatigue , told her she must go home .
10 How many times had Tabitha heard , in casual conversation in some dorm , some station bar , from pilots who had found their craft taking a route they had never intended , never charted ?
11 Only eight of us had any sort of previous military experience : Marius , myself , Chris , a German from Oberammergau who had killed a tourist in the celebrations surrounding the Passion Play , a Frenchman , Mike the Rhodesian , and a Portuguese and a Rumanian who had both served with their countries ' airborne regiments .
12 This from Werewolf who had come up the stairs behind me , his arms loaded with parcels .
13 Jamaica indicated another approach to the art of colonization , in which the government took valuable colonies away from Europeans who had reached them first .
14 Were they , as has been asserted , in large measure recruited from chapmen who had made their pile — new men in the full sense of the phrase ; or were they , as some more recent historians have emphasized , more often recruited from the sons of local landed families who had taken to trade ?
15 Mr Frederick Wright , chairman of Barry Island Resort Ltd , which bought the camp three years ago , said the BBC later received 30,000 postcards from holidaymakers who had enjoyed their stay .
16 He was just a butcher 's son from Ipswich who had risen to be Lord Chancellor and leading churchman of England .
17 In 1908 , he was appointed to excavate the remains of Glastonbury Abbey , and made use of the services of a friend , Captain John Bartlett , who , with automatic writing , brought through messages from monks who had lived at Glastonbury , together with detailed plans of the Abbey , showing a large , hitherto unknown , chapel at the eastern end , named after King Edgar .
18 There was the young woman and her baby who had moved into the space above the coach-house , and there was the noisy couple from Luton who had taken over the empty servants ' quarters up the back stairs .
19 The data from patients who had undergone simultaneous ambulatory oesophageal and gastric pH monitoring show a correlation between normal and abnormal gastric and oesophageal alkalinisation .
20 The councillors were drawn heavily from people who had served on the previous local authorities : and most of the public remained ignorant and apathetic towards local government ( Rhodes 1972:420 — 1 ) .
21 A very nice letter it was too , but just one of many from people who had seen me on television .
22 ICI claimed this was not harmful to residents in the area and they had only received a small number of complaints from people who had inhaled the gas .
23 The package cost $5,100 million , to be financed by compensatory revenues of $2,600 million gained from closing a loophole for wealthy taxpayers who make quarterly income tax payments , $880 million from maintaining the unemployment tax at 0.08 per cent ( instead of allowing the scheduled drop to 0.06 percent ) , and $1,700 million from allowing the Internal Revenue Service to continue to withold tax refunds from people who had defaulted on student loans .
24 She had heard wonderful stories from people who had watched soldiers practising , stories of shining metal flashing through the air .
25 In May 1788 , immediately after Pitt had persuaded the Commons to agree the slave trade would be debated in the next session , the mainly Quaker members of the London committee , accompanied by Thomas Walker and Thomas Cooper from Manchester who had come to the capital to inspire urgency , formed a deputation to prepare MPs for the forthcoming discussion .
26 He was descended from slaves who had accompanied their master , one Rafe Straker , from Long Island in 1783 .
27 A striking feature of the Abel material — and more than half of the sample came from members who had joined the Party before its ‘ take-off ’ in 1930 — is indeed that even among ‘ Old Fighters ’ of the Movement — according to Merkl 's ranking of ‘ main ideological theme ’ — only about one-eighth saw anti-Semitism as their most salient concern , while what he calls ‘ strong ideological antisemites ’ comprised only 8.5 per cent of the total sample .
28 Nine of the birds , confiscated from poachers who had smuggled them into the US from Mexico , have survived and seem to be doing well .
29 In the autumn of 1854 , A. C. Ramsay , a Scot from Glasgow who had joined the Survey in England in 1841 , began mapping the geology of the Dunbar area .
30 There were astonished interjections from Harbury who had heard nothing of this before , but Shildon went on to say that the accusation stemmed from the sale of the lease on the top part of the Fleet Street building a few years earlier .
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