Example sentences of "but when he [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 But when he says that the real and nominal essences of a mode , such as a triangle , coincide , he really does mean what we should expect him to mean : that our idea of a triangle is like the horologist 's idea of the Strasburg clock , an idea of its real essence , and not like that of the gazing countryman , an idea of some of its properties .
2 But when he saw that others liked the plan he refrained from blocking it .
3 But when he realised that we both wanted to do all we could to encourage the best art education for the pupils in the West Riding schools the barriers were down and we became friends .
4 With his splendid physique and proud , noble head his presence is such as to give him an instant advantage over any bowler , and he has rarely failed to put that advantage to use ; spinners in particular have suffered at his hands , but when he decides that he wants to score runs it is virtually impossible to bowl to him .
5 But when he said that , I felt to blame for the situation I was in .
6 But when he insisted that the same warnings should be used on advertisements , and be bigger than at present , he got them furious .
7 Brando had never sung before , but when he felt that Sinatra was singing in the wrong manner , he said to Mankiewicz , ‘ He 's supposed to sing with a Bronx accent .
8 At first the doctor was worried the boy would get too tired , but when he heard that Dickon would push the wheelchair , he agreed .
9 But when he heard that Sipotai had tried to kill Burun in front of an army of witnesses , he would spit blood .
10 Negus Mikael , Lij Yasu 's father , being now a devout Christian , had condemned his son 's affiliation to Islam , but when he heard that Lij Yasu had been deposed family pride was outraged .
11 But when he mentioned that the MacQuillan business in the United States was in trouble , she automatically asked what sort of trouble .
12 I do n't make it blatant but when he makes that deal at the end of the film you know what he 's doing .
13 Initially , used the effect to entertain children at the Leukaemia unit in St Bartholomew 's hospital , but when he found that scientists also were taking interest , he founded the Magic Penny Society , partly because he sees the new pennies as an excellent educational toy to excite children 's interest in science .
14 Not only that , ’ he continued , his eyes steady on hers , ‘ but when he sees that another man wants you he 'll begin to wonder what he missed .
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