Example sentences of "but now we have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I mean I could understand when we had to climb up the belt which was damn dangerous , but now we 've altered all that .
2 But now we 've taken a short cut through the getting-to-know-you games .
3 ‘ We lost our own voice , but now we 've regained it , ’ says one of the teachers .
4 Yeah , but now we 've found out , I mean like , like
5 That 's why he was thinking about closing the park to the villagers ; but now we 've caught these three beauties — thanks to you — he may change his mind .
6 At first it was very difficult , but now we 've learned to live from day to day .
7 We thought all our problems were over when we finally got the rig set up , but now we 've got to examine a deluge of fresh rock ! ’
8 ‘ I only stole it for the wire , ’ she said , ‘ but now we 've got it I suppose we might as well drink it . ’
9 The metal crowd were really quite ancient but now we 've got a mum monitor who answers the phone and reassures all the mums that their little ones are going to be OK . ’
10 But now we 've got a new breed of black sportsmen .
11 but now we 've got H equals sine L.
12 If the figures that we 've been given the recent figures , cos w I 've been working on figures for August up to August but now we 've got even better figures .
13 Pop and I had never had much to do with a soldiers ' club-except for that brief time in Maymyo , which was more of a hospital than a club , but now we had to feed and house soldiers on leave , poor men who were tired and bored and away from their families .
14 We 'd been prepared to buy houses with flaws invisible to the naked eye , but now we 'd fallen for one with all its flaws only too obviously visible .
15 But now we have secured the immediate future of the railway and the 1992 operation .
16 But now we have met you … ! ’
17 But now we have to take account of the fact that the production of a commodity generally requires many different kinds of labour and the use of capital in many forms .
18 ‘ We 've been isolated for so long and we all thought we were so bloody good but now we have to accept the reality that we are not . ’
19 ‘ It 's great news for us but now we have to concentrate on the football and try to achieve a good result , ’ he said .
20 You had an awfully raw deal out of it , but now we have got it right . ’
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