Example sentences of "but there be [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 A telephone message may have come to say that a parent has died , a letter saying that a wife is seeking a divorce , but there is nowhere to hide and be alone with sorrow .
2 The minor irritation on returning to the car is that it is directly in front of you as you descend to the north , but there is nowhere to cross the river .
3 They might have mislaid the formula for operating over five days — December 1986 is the last time England beat anyone of any consequence when asked to bat and bowl for longer than 55 overs — but there is no getting away from their ability to play the negative stuff as well as anyone else .
4 But there is no getting away from the fact that we must still use water wisely . ’
5 But there is no getting away from the fact that he is on the left of the party .
6 But there is no getting away from the fact that Howard has got big problems .
7 The Austrian authorities in Vienna and Salzburg are at pains to contain the worst excesses , but there is no stopping the Mozart T-shirts , socks , toasters , puzzles , bottle-openers , Swatches , mayonnaise , cheese , scent , a Köchel cook book , a hamburger called Mozart and well over 100m marzipan-filled ‘ Mozartkugeln ’ .
8 But there is no concealing her .
9 There were many difficulties , but there is no doubting that Labour 's national organization began to improve .
10 But there is no doubting his overall fitness .
11 But there is no comparing the ways in which God responds .
12 In our Galaxy , only four have been seen during the last thousand years : in 1006 , 1054 , 1572 and 1604 , but there is no knowing when we will see another .
13 At its most intrusive the V8 roars valiantly under full throttle , but there is no escaping the fact that for demanding driving this engine occasionally labours under the strain .
14 Both the 1750s and the 1760s contained food-price peaks , 1756 – 7 and 1766 , but there is no escaping the conclusion that the general trend in the standard of living was inexorably downward .
15 But there is no doing so unless we accept that the literal writer has an imagination .
16 But there is no gainsaying the fact that Novell is a publicly-owned company whose primary responsibilities are to its shareholders .
17 No doubt the proposition : ‘ Had there been no Siberian sable , there would have been no Muscovite empire ’ , is somewhat fanciful , but there is no gainsaying metropolitan Russia 's early economic dependence on the resources of her Siberian possessions .
18 But there is no mistaking the fact that the First Division door has been left ajar .
19 Some of the gaps must be due to chance , but there is no mistaking the insularity of interest which these volumes display .
20 Perhaps he could do little else , but there is no mistaking the magnanimity of the spirit in which he wrote the following reply to one question which had been sent to him during his exile .
21 But there is no disputing the 29-year-old 's awesome record of 34 goals in 46 games for the Gunners .
22 It is not true I married for a red corduroy jacket belonging to my wife 's father ; but there is no denying he did pass it on to me , as a sort of dowry I believe .
23 On balance the evidence suggests that the Liberal decline began before the First World War , but there is no denying that the war speeded up this process .
24 But there is no denying its great intuitive appeal .
25 Alex Ferguson might have doubts about his ability as a team player , but there is no denying that , when the mood takes him , Hughes can be a devastating striker .
26 It can be as stuffy as many of its clients , but there is no denying its discreet splendour .
27 This month I 've concentrated on the standard gauge punchcard models , but there are also finegauge and chunky models .
28 Many hearing-aids have devices to restrict the loudness received by the aid user and also to provide tone selection , but there are still aid users who find that sound volume must be reduced in noisy circumstances .
29 But there are still fish in the harbour .
30 Chapter five dealt with misspellings and mis-recognitions , but there are always going to be cases when the input word is not in the look-up word list .
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