Example sentences of "but if you [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 That 's right , most people with epilepsy they 're much better if they go to sleep and you do n't wake them up , if you wake the person up from a sleep that 's just had an epileptic fit they 'll be vomiting , but if you let them sleep through it then erm , then they 're usually fine .
2 Kill me if you like , but if you let me live , I 'll do what I can to save you when you 're arrested and brought to trial for piracy . ’
3 It is n't wrong to feel angry , but if you let it out in ways like this , the distress will increase for both of you , and you risk losing more than the chance to be a mother .
4 But if you let it lie it manures it you see .
5 But if you let it stall on you
6 But if you hear her on a if you hear her on a tape recorder she is .
7 But if you hear him speak for five minutes you think no more of them .
8 Blencowe responded , ‘ … let him spoil on ; he has a pleasure in thinking he earns his daily bread at four score years and ten ; but if you turn him off , he will soon die with grief ’ [ Baker , 1 , 639 ] .
9 Imagine your response if , when you were depositing funds in a building society account , your attention was drawn to the fact that if you died only the original investment would be returned , but if you lived you would keep all of the interest .
10 But if you stay you need a job …
11 But if you made it law that the breweries would lose their retail outlet and the publican and barman would lose their licences , you 'd soon find they make time and make staff check up to see if people were drunk .
12 These are delicious by themselves , but if you use them for Devils on Horseback ( see p112 ) your cocktail party will surely be an enormous success .
13 Alder burns well , dry ; but if you use it exclusively you will be sawing all day .
14 Pickled cucumber provides a delicious , sharp contrasting taste to the sweet , succulent melon and grapes in this recipe but if you prefer you could use ⅓ of a medium fresh cucumber instead .
15 But if you write them all down first of all starting with C.
16 Hydrogen sulphate sodium hydroxide swap them round sodium sulphate hydrogen hydroxide hy we never say hydrogen hydroxide it 's simpler to say water but if you write it as H O H then you think , Ah we 've got the two Hs and the O there .
17 But what we ca n't , it 's absolutely but if you write it in all the other divisions have got to do it as well .
18 I thinking about it over erm er coffee sir , I I I think the answer is an adder erm because its smaller than an elephant , it 's indigenous to the United Kingdom , it blends into the landscape , but if you ignore it it could be just as injurious to your health .
19 Erm but if you persist you get better .
20 But if you got it you might find it would be cheaper to do your house up using these clients rather than sell .
21 She 's very lovely and I 'm sure she kisses like a veteran , but if you mean he 's been sleeping with her , no !
22 The downside is that some memory managers might not take kindly to the reload option , but if you try it and can get away with it , it 's the one to opt for .
23 but if you keep it still because there 's nothing happened there your eye disregards that and it takes in things that are moving .
24 Old Dick 's all right , but if you marry her you 'll be marrying her family …
25 I think erm I think is quite fair maybe if concessions could be raised to one fifty or two pounds but overall I think that people who can afford it spend such a lot of money on the raffle and we therefore give raffle tickets to those who can afford it could jealousy and on the raffle generally about a hundred pounds is made and if there , if there was more charge for tickets , people might not give so much for the raffles and also if you give but if you charge them a nominal sum and then shove other things at them on their options they might be more willing to give to optional choices like a raffle .
26 But if you like you can have them now . ’
27 But if you set it up jointly , you ca n't direct all the gross income if that 's what you 're thinking you ca n't say well I 'll have all that income gross cos my wife 's got an unused allowance , you 've got to split it down the middle in the case of a joint account .
28 But if you claim it in your own right you 'll be classed as independent , no longer dependant on you therefore you he is n't your dependant any longer .
29 Yeah , but if you tell them you wo n't , you just get a caution in n it ?
30 But if you tell me my players will perform well tonight , I 'll settle for that . ’
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