Example sentences of "but they [am/are] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 They 're not hard once you understand what you 're doing how you get it because you 're sharing out but they 're probably the most awkward when you 've got mixed whole numbers counting numbers and fractions all in together .
2 Erm the maximum score of that expression is obtained when Z X equals Z Y. So , the maximum time is when the two paired standard scores are a exactly the same , not just they 're both positive or both negative , but they 're exactly the same value as well .
3 As an organisation we believe that children in these circumstances may well need support but they 're also a real resource to our society , an investment in children 's welfare and children 's education is a sound investment in the country 's future .
4 They have to be because they 're wild , but they 're really no more dangerous than pigs that are kept in doors .
5 But they 're never the right size for that it wants .
6 I thought they 'd be wizzing off at one a second but they 're quite a bit slower than that
7 This , I think sums up the Kitchens rather neatly — they 're not much like corporate-trousered rock stars , but they 're hardly the Manic Street Preachers attempting to bring down the system from within either .
8 But they 're still a goal down .
9 ‘ I 've roughed out a few questions but they 're only a guide . ’
10 There is a need for such evaluators , but they are surely a very minor part in a much larger process , for evaluation is foremost an attitude of mind backed up by a series of techniques which may , indeed , be very simple and which affect all the workers from the start and throughout the project .
11 Indexed files take a little longer to access than random files and it is necessary to have a separate index file , but they are generally the best space/speed compromise for files holding a large amount of data .
12 These emotions may disturb you for a little while , but they are simply a natural response to the trauma of death and they will usually pass with time .
13 But they are also a world away from the technology the major car manufacturers know best — the cutting , press-forming , welding and painting of metal .
14 But they are also a matter of economic necessity , as Europe competes against other countries , particularly in the Pacific Basin , who are already investing substantially in the skills of their rapidly growing and younger population .
15 Yet , we find , not only is there widespread discrimination against older people in the provision of health care , but they are also the victims of restricted assumptions about the quality of health which can be expected in old age .
16 They might be a conglomerate of poseurs , ex-Leaguers and Mike Channon wannabees , but they are also the best club in the division .
17 The double answer — schools are different from but they are also the same as other organizations — was confirmed when Handy and Aitken ( 1986:34 ) asked whether , in their essentials , schools were just like other organizations .
18 Cases of this kind are few indeed , but they are exactly the cases which are read widely by everyone , including future victims of sexual assault .
19 The fascinating psychology of interest and attention have not yet been worked out but they are probably no different for communication than for perception in a broader sense .
20 Small , little-known groups do n't generally muster a large audience , of course , but they are often a good way of commanding interest from future employers .
21 Colin Barnes , the fashion illustrator , who has known her since St Martin 's , says , ‘ Of course outspoken people tread on toes , but they are often the ones who make waves and achieve something . ’
22 The proportion of Asian women in Britain who are as well-off as Mrs H. is minute , but they are often the ones who are prominent on race-relations bodies and community relations sub-committees .
23 They are not the only good things , but they are much the best , at least among good things of which we know .
24 Inputs are thus of great practical importance , but they are only the means , not the ends , of competitive endeavour .
25 National data on the use of each part of the service by age and sex , married persons and unmarried persons , is used as the basis of these weightings , but they are only the first stage .
26 But they are never the four that I know did actually make it on 11 June 1940 .
27 These average workers are no villains — but they are certainly no heroes .
28 ‘ Most bands are all drums and vocals but they are mainly the guitar and everyone else is really quiet , ’ he says .
29 Animals are not perfect models for human beings , but they are still the best we have .
30 BANKS may be money grabbers but they are still the safest places to leave your money , as the mother and son found when £29,000 was stolen from their parked car .
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