Example sentences of "but they [vb base] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 Rumillajta have achieved a certain celebrity on this circuit — but they deserve to be heard more widely .
2 But they tend to be heavy handed with the equipment , which generally lasts only half its normal life here . ’
3 I have my idols , too , but they tend to be real people , not film stars or anything .
4 These colour finders do give you an approximate rendering of the colours you are recording , but they tend to be of lower definition than the black-and-white types of finder .
5 Some peaks of demand can be dealt with by using consultants , but they tend to be expensive and do not always fit well with ill-defined but important factors such as the favoured style of the organisation .
6 There are a number of companies dealing with media only and represented by The Association of Media Independents but they tend to be highly specialised and are unlikely to take any inexperienced person .
7 They are usually quite good at cutting daily national papers and the leading magazines , but they tend to be variable in their coverage of specialist magazines and of regional media .
8 There are companies which specialise in recording this kind of material , but they tend to be rather expensive .
9 Once you go through reception they do n't know what you 're like , or what your background is , but they tend to be rough with you and push you and see how far they can go — and most of the girls crack .
10 In addition to fronted , predicated , and identifying themes , other types of marked theme exist in English , but they tend to be much more restricted and more likely to be used in informal language .
11 There are mothers and daughters who can talk freely about sex , and mothers who send or accompany their daughter to the doctor to get the Pill , as Tracy 's mother had , but they tend to be the exception .
12 I have painted male models before but they tend to be a lot more angular .
13 Many firms offer training two years in advance but they tend to be the larger organisations and if you wish to work for a smaller firm or , for example , a local authority , you often need to apply nearer the time .
14 But they tend to be operated in small independent groups , and communication and integration of activity will have to be improved .
15 Paper records exist in the various departments , but they tend to be self-monitored , and are rarely referred to by other departments .
16 Maturities vary but they tend to be longer than those for conventional stocks ; only three of the 13 stocks outstanding at end-September , 1991 had maturity dates before the end of the century and several still had terms to maturity in excess of 20 years .
17 Yeah but they like to be close .
18 Other authors list a larger number of viewpoints but they seem to be relatively minor variants on these three .
19 Such units are sentence-like in that they are syntactically combined sequences of words but they seem to be stored in the mind ready for use as preformed unitary items , like words , already assembled for immediate access .
20 But they seem to be curiously indifferent to timber in the shape of components .
21 So erm er erm by n by no means er could you call one point one percent of something that can vary by factors of three in , in , in , in Cornwall the natural radiation is three times what it is in , in Essex erm er but they seem to be quite er healthy nevertheless in Cornwall erm so point one percent is er varies by factors of three , obviously ca n't be considered to be erm er a major political er a major erm er environmental hazard .
22 You 'll find a technical description of the cartridges in the file , but they seem to be quite ordinary army ammunition . "
23 No , it 's not , no , but they seem to be bearing up quite well considering the conditions .
24 But they want to be sure it is empty at the time they might need to sell or redevelop .
25 But they want to be ready , you see .
26 But they want to be there , their competitive edges are well honed .
27 ( It is also preferable to rug them in cold or wet weather , but they need to be under daily supervision in case the rug slips . )
28 Electors may have conservative instincts but they need to be helped if they are to trust those instincts .
29 Nurses should not pry but they need to be sensitive to any cues which indicate a patient 's desire to discuss anxieties .
30 But they need to be reassured that in all countries results from research tend to be indirect and to take time before they come to fruition .
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