Example sentences of "but they [adv] [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Erm yes but they normally receive their erm
2 But Jezrael walked unevenly yet unharmed , because the watchers in the jet and neon ghetto saw her dangling arm but they also saw her face and the ire in it was barely leashed .
3 But they also want their salaries paid .
4 Those closest to him who should have been too frightened to behave as they did include his father , but they also include his sisters , who struck out for themselves in a fashion which has him siding with his father .
5 I know without being told what a difficult language it is to pronounce with English oral equipment , but they also beat their brows in anguish wailing , ‘ Oh , the mutations . ’
6 At the start of the campaign people thought it was the main issue being stressed by the Conservatives , but they soon changed their minds .
7 They told us it was gon na be a land fit fer 'eroes when we got back from France , but they soon changed their tune .
8 There are , however , homœopathists who carry about with them on their visits to patients the homœopathic medicines in the fluid state , and who yet assert that they do not become more highly potentised in the course of time , but they thereby show their want of ability to observe correctly .
9 They often suffered from vaginismus , but they invariably praised their husbands for being ‘ exceptionally kind ’ , passive , totally understanding and ‘ so good as not to bother me ’ .
10 There were Polish and Dutch boats as well as the Scottish , but they mostly packed their catch to take home .
11 When it , and the Government can produce fifty pieces of legislation affecting local government since nineteen seventy nine , I have n't been here since nineteen seventy nine thankfully , so I have to analyze everything , but they always landed our the ma the major ones and , so for example erm , it was the Local government Unit that produced the initial response of the Poll Tax , what strategy the Council should adopt er , the Council wo n't distance approach , we wanted to make it clear that the Poll Tax was a Government erm , it was a Government initiative and it was being forcedly on us and that was the way , did that effect it , that was a guided and then there was the nineteen eight nine local Government Housing Act , which I 'm sure many of you .
12 School teachers suffer a good deal from having to listen to this sort of twaddle from proud parents , but they usually get their own back when the time comes to write the end-of-term reports .
13 The army may not be the safest organization to join but they really know their stuff when it comes to travel — or ‘ patrolling ’ as they call it .
14 I wrote to Airfix about that , but they never answered my letter . ’
15 At half-time he tried to encourage his players by reshuffling his forwards , but they never regained their form .
16 Volleyball : Chelmsford Partners women 's volleyball side are banking on a wealth of experience to give them the edge this Sunday in their first English Volleyball Association Cup Final.The team has an average age of nearly 34 , but they still fancy their chances of defeating a younger Sheffield Wednesday at Riverside ( start 1.30 pm ) .
17 But they still want your name and address . ’
18 One or two pigments did stain the fibres somewhat , but they still held their translucence , and I suppose that a wash in warm soapy water would bring back the whiteness .
19 But they still raped our country , disgraced us , pissed all over us for the crimes of fifty years ago .
20 But they still drop their things all over the house .
21 This had initially seemed to be an insuperable problem until someone said that his face might not be familiar but they certainly knew his car .
22 I think you just have to accept that you have fairly shy fish — but they obviously like their home , as they are breeding .
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