Example sentences of "but they [adv] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 women did come into the office with problems about maternity leave but they no longer come here .
2 She was still imprisoned within his arms , but they no longer kept her clamped against him .
3 But they no longer bothered her , and certainly they were no longer responsible for making her a potential prisoner in her own home .
4 The Greens may have acted as catalysts in the green revolution , and their success in the Euro-election undoubtedly awoke the mainstream parties to the extent of the stirrings in the electoral loam , but they no more held a patent on green ideas than feminists did on equal rights for women .
5 And she gave me an indulgent look and she said , ‘ I 'm really sorry , the pictures made me feel tender feelings for you , but they just really did not arouse me . ’
6 Not only do these give details of the various products but they also often have information about how and where the products are to be used as well as tips and hints on plumbing design and techniques .
7 Not only do the semi-empirical methods ( CNDO , INDO , MNDO , etc. ) fail to reproduce the absolute values of binding energies , but they also often predict the wrong orders of levels .
8 But they nevertheless peacefully suffered the consequences of their action — the ejection from their fellowships .
9 seven ninety nine I do n't know how much the waistcoats have gone down to but they most probably gone down as well to about ten pounds the waistcoats .
10 But they most probably do .
11 Usually in their schools as teenagers , but they actually formally join the United States of America .
12 Yeah but they basically just do n't want to lose out either way , I mean there was no reason for them to join originally but when events happen and they see the tide turning almost , you know get with the bandwagon , I mean they , they do n't want now to be seen as the minority and the ones under threat , so you go with the er majority , with the , the stronger force
13 Well , they have a fight erm they very rarely attack us , but they very frequently fight amongst themselves , and it 's usually over something that 's happened previously , but a few stupid words can just spark something that could be ignored if everything else was all right , but it an insult on top of hundreds of insults will just tip them over .
14 But they very soon did , for within a few days , on October 19 , Keith made a speech in Edgbaston which demonstrated almost unbelievable ineptitude for someone in the running for the Leadership .
15 They want to know that you know it , and they want to feel confident that if they ask you question you can answer it , but they very much want to know what it does for them and how much it 's going to cost them basically .
16 But they so much want to help themselves . ’
17 They are often strict , but they usually also spoil you .
18 But they never fully developed the potentialities of the arch and rarely used the dome .
19 We keep on reading about these , but they never quite seem to get onto the market .
20 I remembered my own boyhood watching cavalrymen sticking tent pegs at the gymkhanas , and tried knights on shining white chargers , complete with shining white bascinets , breastplates , leg armour and gauntlets doing the same thing to my inside , but they never really filled the role .
21 Flight-weight maybe , but they never really took off in British homes .
22 TRAP FIVE : Instant credit offers in shops are a big temptation — but they too usually involve high interest charges .
23 Yes , I mean we obviously feel that there are people who ca n't sit and listen or watch continually , and people who do dip in and out , but they still nonetheless want to know exactly what 's going on .
24 Unless they are hunters , like cats , their eyesight is often the least developed of the senses but they still quickly detect movement .
25 Nobody really knows whether sea mammals deliberately drink sea water or not , but they almost certainly take it when they feed .
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