Example sentences of "but he [be] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 Although he has lived in the UK since 1969 , Zarei was born in Iran and is often listed as Iranian , but he is officially a British athlete , and won an England vest when competing in the Milton Keynes 24-hour Championships in 1989 .
2 But he is also a writer of remarkable ability who has managed to capture and to keep the readership he has bewildered and delighted and offended , and whose work is strong in an intelligent and generous-hearted awareness of public matters , some of them quite remote from the Family Roth : The Counterlife , for instance , carries a telling serio-comic critique of the hard line in Israel , the Israeli toughness , that refuses to ‘ give ground ’ .
3 Dante is a political poet but he is also a great deal more than that .
4 Volkmar is a zealous preacher utterly devoted to the destruction of Chaos , but he is also a mighty warrior who is not afraid to face the peril of battle .
5 He is head of the judiciary , but he is also a politician and a member of the Cabinet .
6 Not only is starting a new career in accounting , but he is also a lead singer in a group called ‘ Cellardwellers ’ and will be starting a tour of 30 dates this summer , including Hamburg and America .
7 Hogan not only controlled vast funds — subject of course to the complaisance of his superiors , a number of whom were also deeply interested in marketing — but he is also an extremely intelligent , able , shrewd , engaging and , if desperately shy , perceptive Australian .
8 As you may have gathered , Max Henery seems to possess an inexhaustible supply of self-deprecating deadpan humour , but he is also an extremely determined individual .
9 But he is also an American and before he guns you down in cold blood , in the manner you so justly deserve I might add , I 'm sure he will see his way clear to giving you a dying request . ’
10 Former Mossad colleagues have insisted hotly that Harari could not have been involved in the drugs trade , but he is clearly a hard man to defend .
11 McEniff prefers not to talk figures but he is clearly a wealthy man .
12 He may act at times like a nasty prat , but he is still a legend .
13 But he is still a leader on trial .
14 Harry 's cricket career was cut short in the 1930s when he hurt his back but he is still an avid cricket fan .
15 Gooch recalled playing against Waqar at Chelmsford : ‘ The first impression was that he seemed to have a very long run-up but he is obviously a very fine fast bowler with the ability to swing , particularly the old ball . ’
16 Razumikhin himself may or may not have come from the country , but he is certainly a member of the floating , unbelonging population of students and ex-students , and he records in simple puzzlement that Raskolnikov has been growing increasingly moody and suspicious and introverted ; ‘ he has no time for anything , people are always in his way , and yet he lies about and does nothing ’ — a confirming echo of Raskolnikov on his bed telling Nastasya the maid that he is working , by which he means thinking .
17 And the bantem of the opera … he 's only twelve , but he 's already a star .
18 But he 's just a bit anxious because you have never flown before .
19 But he 's just a regular , down to earth person , so I have great faith . ’
20 They call him ‘ the Hero of Hammerfest ’ , but he 's just a shit .
21 But he 's just a boy .
22 But he 's just a bit irritating cos he well you know I do , I do n't understand how you go through a whole relationship and everything , and then come to end of it and not even feel the slightest bit
23 is fine swinging the ball with the tide erm , when Tufnell 's bowling , just an alteration in the field , Mike was deep forward square leg , if , if , that 's the right place he was neither square legged or mid wicket and it 's prompted him to move straighter , but he 's just a natural swing for the left-hander to hit with the tide in that mid wicket area .
24 He 's a student , but he 's also a bank manager .
25 Not only is Jesus the only saviour but he 's also a presence saviour not for the future or the passed , but he is there now and he says now , Paul to the Corinthians now is the acceptable time , now is the day of salvation , not to be put off , not to wait until you 're older until this is settled and till that 's done and you 've had this experience or that experience , now is the accepted time , he is the presence saviour , he is not a saviour for you tomorrow , you do n't know what tomorrow will bring but he is a saviour for the present for now , also he is a complete saviour in Hebrews seven twenty five he is able to save forever , those who draw near to God since he always lives to make intercession for them and finally not only is he a complete saviour , but he will actually save you , not the person beside you , do n't worry about that he will actually save you , there in Romans chapter ten , thirteen , for whoever , for whoever will call upon the name of the Lord will be saved and so the invitation 's to you and it 's to me , it 's to us as individuals , are there a few that 's gon na be saved .
26 ‘ The ball he bowls is very awkward , ’ Russell comments , ‘ but he 's certainly a quality bowler .
27 ‘ Most of them are n't quite sure if God is on the payroll , but He 's certainly an honorary colonel . ’
28 He I mean I know he eats you out of house and home , but he 's quite a good lodger is n't he ?
29 ‘ He 's a winner and there is aggression in his game , but he 's now a more mature player who tries to keep out of trouble . ’
30 But he 's now an associate fellow at Templeton College in Oxford … so is he viewed as the enemy within .
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