Example sentences of "but that it [modal v] be " in BNC.

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1 If your father dies and you are helping your widowed mother with these matters , you can assure her that not only will she not lose her own retirement pension , but that it may be paid at an increased rate after her husband 's death .
2 But that it may be redirected towards other ends is shown by the way in which labor difficulties become unpopular during war when employers and employees unite against a common foe ’
3 When he left Williams for Ferrari , I remember Frank Williams reminiscing at his annual press luncheon that he had fond memories of Alan Jones and Keke Rosberg , but that it would be some time before he had similar memories of Nigel .
4 Neither was I to know that I should indeed one fine day have a son who would make me very proud of him at the ‘ Other Place ’ , but that it would be from green eyes that the light of intelligence and wit would shine .
5 It is a question of fact in every case whether the number of people affected will constitute ‘ a class of Her Majesty 's subjects ’ , but Lord Denning provides some guidance , saying ‘ A public nuisance is a nuisance which is so widespread in range and so indiscriminate in its effect that it would not be reasonable to expect one person to take proceedings on his own responsibility to put a stop to it , but that it would be the responsibility of the community at large ’ .
6 I think he would say that ‘ because he was tired ’ , added to ‘ He said , ‘ Oh , I 'm so tired ’ ’ , serves to distinguish the case in question from ones in which someone is , say , play-acting , or lying ; but that it would be a mistake to regard saying this as an endorsement of the experiential explanation , in terms of feelings , of the meaning of tiredness language .
7 But er Your Worships the matter was adjourned by your colleagues until today because er Mr did indicate on the application form that er he would not be in fact operating the bar himself but that it would be somebody else .
8 Seek not after new light for the searching into the private records of God … the event is registered in heaven , and we can expect no other certain notice of it , but that it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared by the Father of mercies . ’
9 This points to the real worry about 1991 : not that it will not be good enough , but that it will be too good .
10 Such a strategy assumes not only that the user will be persuaded by the rational appeal of the initiative ( as in instrumental approaches ) but that it will be ‘ legitimized by a range of social and cultural values , attitudes and skills to ensure commitment on the part of the initial users to adopt it .
11 It states that not using a lawyer would save you money initially but that it could be a false economy , particularly if your case goes to the High Court , where your opponent will almost certainly have a solicitor and a barrister .
12 Results from a family study combining linkage and segregation analyses have indicated that the ACE/ID polymorphism is unlikely to be the locus directly affecting the variability of plasma ACE , but that it could be a marker in strong linkage disequilibrium with this locus .
13 Recent reconnaissance has emphasized that this source was not merely remote from the centres which it served , but that it could be operated only under conditions of some rigour .
14 I had long believed that the primary health care team did not really work but that it could be made to do so by adhering to contracts .
15 The London Boroughs Association firmly believes that much more housing is needed , but that it must be provided in the right locations .
16 The strength of scepticism is not that it can be argued consistently but that it can be used effectively against unwarranted dogmatism .
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