Example sentences of "but we be [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It 's conclusions , we 're not subject to consultation but we 're instead given wide and extensive publicity in a series of elaborate video roadshows , with information cascading down .
2 But we 're primarily moving er , on that sort of basis .
3 But we 're here to help families , and we 'll help you all we can . ’
4 But we 're here to change all that . ’
5 ‘ Of course I mind , but we 're here to learn , Miss McEnroe . ’
6 But we 're probably beginning to make ours smaller now .
7 We 've done a quick calculation of interview sheets that we think we , we need , I need two boxes for Caernarfon , Jan needs three , we 've got four and a half boxes already , we were gon na order two just to be on the same safe , but we 're just looking into erm whether we need , how many we need on the R S I 's on the M sixty three cos we might as well order them all together , save
8 The solicitor is wording it that we 're not refusing to pay it , but we 're just holding it abeyance .
9 that 's , that 's a new one but we 're just using the old one
10 But we 're just gon na decide tonight
11 But we 're just married a couple of months .
12 But we 're also looking to the future .
13 Well , I think we 're talking here about hospitals in particular and not GP practice but we 're also saying that this is something which the enthusiastic and bright and very capable people we have in our health service are very keen on because they believe it will do better for their patients .
14 More worryingly , thirty percent of the jobs in this city are linked to the defence industry and we all know , and I do n't need to remind you what 's happening to the defence industry , here it 's going down very very fast , we are losing jobs out the dockyard , but we 're also losing the jobs that are associated with the M O D with the Royal Navy er and it 's extremely worrying for the trade union movement in the city .
15 Well , I 'm sure that 's the right answer , but we 're already getting a little bit complicated in our vision of what 's happening .
16 So again we 're going to come back to several themes in a fairly repetitive way , and we — do n't forgive us for this if you do n't like it , but we 're certainly going to talk about certain things again and again and again , but what it really comes down to , is ‘ Learn what the media 's all about , learn what they want , learn what you can provide , see whether you can match this , in a sense , and see whether you can make it work to your advantage ’ .
17 Very much so , because er this is going to be a , a very substantial complex , er I think that er the involvement of the local community and local business can involve , can , can start with simply the construction , can go on to er the different , er the different types of businesses , I mean I 'm not , I 'm not in for instance in the licensed trade , but we 're certainly going to need people who are in that business , we 're going to need restaurateurs , we 're going to need er all types of local business , businesses to actually get that centre er thriving .
18 One woman activist summed up the mood : ‘ We get crumbs from the table but we 're never allowed a seat . ’
19 Chairman , if , if I may and it is just basically to look at the recommendation and wonder you know perhaps if we 've got it the right way round er that 's all , where we 're saying er there are certain things still outstanding wh which we would need to re-relate before er issuing er general conformity notices I understand b but we 're almost taking that they 're going to do that without any doubt , now I do n't know maybe there are things not said in this report which are well understood , but and members of are quite happy to accept erm er s some more more changes to , to the local plan so that it does conform with with the structure plan , but I just wondered whether round the wrong way .
20 But we 're still perplexed as to how the accident could have happened and we 're still looking for any motive for murder or suicide . ’
21 Er this year we actually made three four seven but we 're still thinking that we will make two thousand pounds .
22 It 's 11 o'clock in the morning , but we 're still getting excited .
23 ‘ The odds are that there will be a split title , but we 're still working on it , ’ said Dan Duva , the head of Main Events , Lewis 's promoter .
24 But we 're still talking about Nazis .
25 According to the company 's product manager , Howard Green , ‘ it 's a fair assumption to make that the company will be doing implementations for the Alpha , but we 're still negotiating terms . ’
26 But we 're still gon na have pupil erm input
27 But we 're all doing our best to help people .
28 But we 're all doing , or trying to do , the same job .
29 But we 're all going to have a proper dinner by candlelight .
30 They were hugely amusing on the television , it was a wonderful series , but we 're actually talking about the education of children here , not high farce on the telly .
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