Example sentences of "but we [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We never changed them very much , because we knew the path we were on , but we consciously spoke about them .
2 ‘ The field has been open to females only during the past year but we soon expect at least 10 per cent of dog-training course applicants will be female . ’
3 But we not regimented in this department we 're flexible that 's why these things are happening cos we turn our hands to whatever we believe is in the interests of the company .
4 A sort of cat and mouse game followed , especially going up the long hill , but we eventually settled on a dead heat .
5 Our adversary lets us out from time to time , to visit other houses , but we rarely enter with power and authority into the heart of the city .
6 We 'll eat with our mouths but we also eat with what else
7 In 2 we examined the role of cohesive devices in creating coherence , but we also looked at their limitations .
8 We ordinarily think of values and obligations being really there , but we also think of them as intrinsically prescriptive. that is , such that one who knows them must be affected conatively in an appropriate way .
9 But we also attribute to him the power to mediate between those same concerns and the hostile forces of disease .
10 We had n't gone as far as we would have liked , and it was touch and go until the very last moment , but we just squeezed past the point between Tanakeke island and the mainland .
11 They will doubtless say we are lucky , but we just happen to be house-owners with a steady income , like millions of others .
12 They might on occasion last several days rather than one day or less , but we seldom heard of them lasting longer than two weeks or so .
13 But we never played to a tape , either .
14 We may quarrel with men sometimes about things on this earth , but we never quarrel about God .
15 That ai n't , that ai n't basically it , you do n't wan na do it , that is the main thing , I mean you never been one for wanting to go , I mean even when we lived in Jersey and you ai n't got any idea how small Jersey is , Val and John used to come to us , but we never went to Val and John 's , it 's hell all mighty getting him out , if I do n't go on me own , I do n't go .
16 Yeah , but we never go by very often down there
17 No one , indeed , could have been more easy-going ; but we never got on close terms or found much in common during the four months we had been together since leaving England .
18 Somebody told us in the market , but we never get to the market , do we ?
19 ‘ There may be high unemployment in this area , but we still suffer from a skills shortage , ’ says John Coltman , personnel director of Royal Mail Letters , a leading sponsor of the Newcastle compact .
20 But , she said I 'm pleased with him so far , but we still got to be careful that 's why she made him have this collar .
21 Half of that went to countries in the European Community , but we still lagged behind other European countries .
22 We use rate cards in that excess but we still comply with the procedure which .
23 I mean we still live , which is a sad fact , but we still live in a society where we were like lepers , we still live in a society where you can still reject , and it should n't be that ; you should n't have the option to reject , you should have the support there .
24 We knew it would be late but we still hurried through the waking village , across the fields , past the hospital and along the railway track to Raxaul station .
25 In contrast to the pervading mood of fear and uncertainty of last year , the atmosphere from 17 to 22 June this year was one of resignation : the crisis is upon us ; there 's no end to it in sight , but we still have to be here .
26 ‘ Oh , he was very generous to all his friends , but we always seemed to be in the wrong line . ’
27 ‘ Boro may have lost a couple of home games , but we always seem to be the whipping boys who allow teams to regain their form . ’
28 But we always tried to be more sympathetic than most , and went out of our way to work with the people who wanted to use our stuff .
29 ‘ He 's nearly a year younger than I am , but we always got on very well .
30 With an uncertain outlook for nineteen ninety three from our point of view it 's absolutely crucial to get costs in line we had obviously done cost-cutting during the previous two years , but we really needed to be sure that if revenues were not going to increase , we should n't wait for a recovery to bail us out .
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