Example sentences of "but it [modal v] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Finance was clearly an anxiety , but it may even have strengthened Gloucester 's hand .
2 Finance was clearly an anxiety , but it may even have strengthened Gloucester 's hand .
3 The development of this approach to commercial documents is in its infancy , but it may well lead to greater judicial activity in shaping the mutual obligations of the parties .
4 They do , however , run a yearly course in sexually transmitted diseases in Santiago , but it may well take more than that to make any impression at all on disease levels .
5 Partly for this reason , no decision has yet been taken on this matter but it may well feature quite soon on the agenda of the Welsh Advisory Body .
6 The devolving of financial responsibility to schools , not only reduces the power and influence of LEAs , but it may well encourage schools at some future point to consider opting out of local authority control altogether .
7 This ‘ new look ’ need not , of course , exclude older interpretations ; but it may well rejuvenate preaching .
8 But it may well appeal to those who like very dry wine .
9 This is probably an aberrant copy ; but it may just represent a true 1692 state with the stage/page discrepancies in Act 1 already made good .
10 So the next of the packages to wander through rejoices in the title Fun Pack — it 's obviously not a word processor , but it may just interest you a little .
11 It 's an enormous cheek , but it may just work .
12 But it may also function ideologically , by convey-ing conservative moral messages .
13 This may be why most masons are pretty tight lipped … but it may also explain a few other things …
14 It tends not only to slow the sphere significantly , but it may also affect its intended direction .
15 This will be a more expensive way of producing feature material but it may also make it more acceptable .
16 This may simply mean adding a flower , an attractively draped scarf or a glass of wine to the products to be photographed , but it may also mean creating a complete atmosphere .
17 This not merely makes direct comparison difficult , but it may also mean that such comparisons would be of questionable value given that they would not relate to the actual situation in which traditional and non-traditional students are competing for places , and in which their work and achievement can be meaningfully compared .
18 It may , but it may also break some of the bricks .
19 Not only might such a diagram act as a checklist of the types of land use to look for in a study of any area , but it may also serve to prompt questions about the working of the basic agricultural economic units which make up the English landscape .
20 A single eruption may not only last for months , but it may also consist of a series of separate , different phases , and in many cases different things may be going on on different parts of the same volcano at the same time .
21 Doubtless it will shock , but it may also remind us that even a princess of poise can crack under the strain of family tensions .
22 Caution may arise from the civil servants ' commendable desire to protect their Minister from criticism or embarrassment , but it may also result from Ministerial reluctance to contemplate unpopular options .
23 This may be true — it is already true of a great many regulations with which companies must comply — but it may also reflect the fundamental nature of financial regulation .
24 This reflects the traditions of an authority , or the lasting influence of a chief officer , but it may also reflect a natural desire by those involved to minimise the political conflicts that are generated when big changes are proposed in one department 's budget compared with others .
25 This may not only be encouraging for the parents , but it may also provide the teacher or therapist with valuable information about the child 's functioning which would not otherwise be available .
26 But it may also have had something to do with the fact that the Independent co-sponsored the exhibition .
27 But it may also have to do with the so-called sports that were on display .
28 Not only did professionalism provide an efficient conduct of business , but it may also have tended , by its nature , to some mitigation of the competitiveness of international life .
29 The growing hostility between Richard and the Stanleys after 1484 can be explained in terms of the king 's policies , but it may also have owed something to the frictions of the previous fifteen years .
30 Officer ( 36 ) : the word is usually translated " eunuch " , as in the New English Bible , but it may also have the more general meaning of " court official# , which is more likely here in view of Potiphar 's marriage .
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