Example sentences of "but it [be] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Each of these in isolation produces a form of curriculum which embodies its own emphases ; but it is surely better to consider them as the three necessary dimensions of any truly general education ( Squires 1987a ) .
2 Unwieldy it may be in certain respects , but it is surely better for a model of meaning destined to serve a descriptive as opposed to a theoretical study to err on the side of generosity of scope , rather than on the side of austerity .
3 This is a new requirement for most information systems , which have simply expanded to contain ever more data , relevant and timely or not ; but it is surely little more than good practice should require in the interests of efficient and economical operation .
4 But it is surely silly to deny that it has thrown politicians and television journalists together in an association that remains totally invisible to the public .
5 As far as it goes , the book is a useful catalogue of the havoc wrecked by Reagan , but it is openly partisan and should be read as such .
6 But it is theoretically possible to build a special machine — a protein molecule like the rest of the cellular machines — that runs off RNA copies from other RNA copies .
7 Inspection of Tei and Owen 's Tables I and 3 reveals that the laterality effect was greater for " same " trials but it is theoretically important to know whether there was any significant interaction between stimulus type and visual hemifield .
8 Masonry is extraordinarily satisfactory in its way but it is inherently heavy and immobile .
9 The latter two sources are of uncertain reliability , while the Encomiast 's suppression of Emma 's previous marriage to Æthelred makes one suspicious of his entire treatment of the affair , but it is inherently likely that negotiations did take place , for Cnut was shrewd enough to appreciate that gaining Emma 's assistance against her sons without Richard 's goodwill would have been to leave the job half done .
10 Nothing in the Code seeks to prevent a suspect volunteering a statement after charge otherwise than in response to questioning , but it is presumably such an infrequent occurrence that it was not thought necessary to spell out the procedure for doing so .
11 But it is presumably these later criticisms , made long after his emancipation from Wagner , that inspired Elisabeth to explain away the Wagnerian connection as merely secondary ; while her claims about her brother 's real intention to produce a " large " book about Greece ( and nothing but Greece ) would seem to be prompted by a desire to enhance his scholarly image ; for no other kind of book ( she decided ) would have satisfied his " scholar 's conscience . "
12 As a principle aiming to combine hierarchy with participation , it may be cumbersome , but it is neither unworkable nor irrational .
13 Changed secretion of peptides , amongst many other such changes , may be necessary if memory formation is to occur , but it is neither sufficient nor , because it is a very general process , can it be regarded as specific to any particular memory .
14 To understand this point you should imagine ( or even actually perform ) your pronunciation of a sentence in a number of different ways : for example , if the sentence was ‘ I want to buy a new car ’ and you were to say it in the following ways : ‘ pleading ’ , ‘ angry ’ , ‘ sad ’ , ‘ happy ’ , ‘ proud ’ , it is certain that at least some of your performances will be different from some others , but it is also certain that the technique for analysing and transcribing intonation introduced earlier in the course will be found inadequate to represent the different things you do .
15 But it is also noticeable that Mackenzie wrote a much less dramatized description of his grandmother , ‘ a weird old lady ’ with penetrating eyes and a low voice ’ , who had only fallen a little less severely than her ex-husband , living as landlady in a poor alley with ‘ an old servant companion ’ in a house furnished with antiques .
16 This not only protects staff against abuse or attack , but it is also capable of recording the activities of staff and the transactions that take place .
17 This leaves signed English systems as the most likely candidates for success in education , but it is also appropriate to introduce the ‘ bilingual ’ possibility of sign language .
18 Open-air anthropology , as opposed to hearsay note-taking , is hard work , but it is also great fun .
19 ‘ Look at the intensity of the preparations for major matches , ’ he says , ‘ The expenses could not be met without sponsorship but it is also good to see this kind of money being used right down the line .
20 But it is also necessary to know music-making from the orchestra 's point of view .
21 These will certainly be needed to clear the bowel of candida , but it is also necessary to treat the vagina with fungicidal pessaries , and the intervening skin with cream or ointment if there is to be any chance of success .
22 Not only is it necessary organizationally to stretch others , but it is also necessary that we should stretch ourselves .
23 But it is also necessary to avoid keeping them standing outside in the rain , or waiting in draughty corridors feeling unwanted while the meal finishes or the speeches are in progress .
24 Not only is it necessary to perceive an entire picture of yourself , but it is also necessary to see yourself in the context of your natural surroundings .
25 But it is also necessary to link up these instruction words with other aspects of questions .
26 Not only can it be introduced by contaminated water changes but it is also self-generated as part of the biological filtration cycle .
27 But it is also useful to plan formal dissemination in advance .
28 The preceding section has emphasised the day-to-day actions in the money market , but it is also useful at this stage to look at the aggregate position in recent years which is shown in Table 6.2 .
29 A ‘ snapshot ’ sequence of pyramids may reveal the effects of social ( e.g. family planning ) ; historical ( e.g. wars , plagues , famines ) and economic ( e.g. recessions ) changes on population structure , but it is also useful to think dynamically in terms of cohorts .
30 We have seen that giving advice is bad counselling , but it is also insufficient .
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