Example sentences of "but it [verb] [adv] [det] " in BNC.

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1 But it takes so much time and you 're leaving tomorrow .
2 Weaving does take longer than knitting a piece of the same size , but it takes very little longer to weave a long row than a short one , so this can save a considerable amount of time .
3 This calculation may look cumbersome , but it takes very little time and provides record storage positions very effectively .
4 It is perhaps understandable why these men , who earn their livelihood in the very embrace of the Goddess of the South Seas , should take her so seriously , but it came as more of a surprise that the Sultan of Surakarta should do the same .
5 Freedom from the restraining hand of a squire or a parson no doubt encouraged enterprise but it meant that much activity went unrecorded .
6 You get a pension of course but it depends how many years
7 But it does so all the same .
8 It looks rather splendid , but it attracted so much attention that after two days she took it all out .
9 It was not appropriate for the son to care for her but it became too much for the daughter-in-law , who was admitted to psychiatric hospital with a nervous breakdown , and the problems were referred to the local area social service office .
10 ‘ We started off doing everything ourselves but it became too much .
11 I mean , considering there are only about five hundred people in there were just on forty people present in the room which is quite a good average or percentage of them and er a lot of the questions were quite positive and the Chairman sort of took them , there were one or two people there who obviously erm wanted to have everything either exactly as it was or whatever , but it looked very much from the conversation that I had with the ramblers afterwards that in large part this scheme could be accepted .
12 The cobbled lane boasted a pub , the Bargee , which the rivermen used , but it saw very few customers once the wharf gates clanged shut .
13 The House of Lords may be the highest court in the land , but it hears comparatively few appeals each year .
14 Her voice was lovely , but it took away all the life from the words .
15 Beamish 's replica engine ran unassisted the four miles to Crowscombe from Bishops Lydeard and returned after all service trains had finished , but it brought out many local people to witness a piece of history go by .
16 But it ate so much procession power that most PCs could n't drive it fast enough , so hardly anyone bought it .
17 Nobody ever knew why , but it whiled away many a long afternoon .
18 A Congress of People 's Deputies was elected from the whole country , but it contained too many deputies to be an effective parliamentary assembly .
19 But it put too much pressure on the relationship , and when it finished I realised that he 'd resented what I had done .
20 It requires more of a person , but it gives back more self-satisfaction .
21 My fingers feel all tingly , but it do n't half feel good to stick them in the water .
22 It used to make me feel good , but it do n't any more . ’
23 Over in Italy , Ing C Olivetti & Co SpA is less directly affected by the abrupt change in status of all things IBM — it only markets Hitachi 's plug-compatible mainframes , but it has so many other problems that that is little compensation .
24 Our Sun ‘ loses ’ 4 million tons of mass this way every second — but it has so much mass to play with that this rate of mass loss would only add up to 7 per cent of the total after about a trillion ( million million ) years .
25 But it has so much scope to go further .
26 Its body is clearly segmented but it has very many fewer divisions than the millipede .
27 But it has comparatively little to do with his holistic claim that individuals are merely the ‘ supports ’ or ‘ bearers ’ of social practices .
28 Alyssia had for some reason thought that he spent the majority of his life in England , but it turned out that , although he owned a flat in London , he spent quite a lot of time working overseas .
29 The I saw an advert for the machine I wanted , with the software I wanted , but it cost too much .
30 But it transpired eventually that was n't the only reason .
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