Example sentences of "but erm [interj] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I remember when he always used to read out during the service before the sermon the previous week 's collection and it used to consist of the collection last Sunday consisted of one pensioning note , twenty ha'penny half crown pieces , forty florins and he 'd go all through the coinage down to the last ha'penny but erm oh I believe he was , he was er very aristocratic , very aristocratic , but er Father , cos he used to come over our house quite a lot when my mother was on the parochial church council , and er he had a curate that was quite leftish and he got himself on the old Board of Guardians and of course he used to sort of er go into the Labour Club and was quite of er father , he said to old Father one night he said erm he 's a funny chap your curate he said well he , he 's the son of a farm labourer he says and I 'm the son of a country squire and that 's the difference .
2 Yeah , but erm ooh I wonder I think it might be a good idea ,
3 But erm Yeah I do n't know anybody in Derbyshire .
4 But erm no I think we should take full advantage of it we we 're sitting on erm you know good minerals because as the minerals of the world getting erm shorter in 'sit erm in Africa they 're getting all the copper its getting , well now they 're shifting their interest slowly into Anglesey .
5 My mother I remember there was a sale of work going on at Palfrey church once and bef I had just been made apprentice at Wolverhampton and of course I got amongst the , they , when they came the , the Derby day they were all having a bet on it so I , I said to the give them half a crown , so he said you ca n't have half a crown and he said what do you want it for so I said they 're putting it on a horse was on this horse it won , so of course this sale of work was in great progress when I gets off the train at station and thought well I could n't understand in er Palfrey Church Hall , so she was there in all her finery and I said we 've won , we 've won she said shut up , shut up she said but erm no I think the biggest character in Caldmore was Father .
6 Someone said about the poppy , you can eat poppy seed , but then someone else said no wonder I was addicted to rolls , you know , poppy seeds rolls , but erm no I did n't argue about it , I just oh well okay , that 's fine .
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