Example sentences of "but there be [adv] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I am trying to find work but there is just nothing at all .
2 Pathology means that criminals are not only different from non-criminals , but there is also something ‘ wrong ’ with them .
3 But there is also something new and odd here .
4 Carey may be contested , as the Times , the Institute of Directors , Nicholas Fairbairn MP et al have been quick to attempt , but there is surely nothing curious in the head of a Christian church saying there are matters of greater moral significance than making money — unless by curious is meant the fact that Carey is head of a Christian church that also happens to be the established church of the realm .
5 Some manufacturers provide figures on the energy that new appliances use , but there is usually nothing to compare them with .
6 He might be a pal of Livingstone 's but there is still nothing to excuse Thompson 's mealy-mouthed attitude. : - .
7 There is now plenty of choice for the investor who knows what he or she wants to invest in , but there is still something of a vacuum for investors with less than £50,000 which they want to put into shares directly .
8 With the domestic revolution of the past three decades , our family emotions have certainly thawed , but there is still something to be said for resisting the tendency to involve children in every aspect of the parental life .
9 One does come across entrepreneurial academics , but there is still something slightly suspect in the academic world about making , as distinct from earning , money which manifests itself in the grey area of consultancy .
10 Perhaps , as we have seen , members of the public are currently not greatly influenced by such messages ; but there is still something morally wrong about making incorrect moral statements ( cf. von Hirsch , 1996 : ch. 5 ) .
11 Close proximity to the body sides , the roof and the front screen makes it feel crowded , but there is actually plenty of legroom , and like the Calibra , a roomy footwell with space to rest the left foot ( though do n't forget the test car is in left-hand-drive form ) .
12 Being only 5′ 2½″ tall myself I too feel very strongly about the unfairness of this , but there is absolutely nothing I can do about it except to warn you that in these circumstances you do need to be very accurate in counting calories in order to achieve a good rate of weight loss .
13 The portfolio matrix could be used to focus on different risk-return combinations and to develop a corporate mixed risk-return portfolio , but there is absolutely nothing inherent in the McKinsey-GE model which says that this is what a portfolio grid is meant to achieve .
14 Mike Cotton , cross country secretary of the Cleveland Schools AAA , said : ‘ I feel sorry for the lad but there is absolutely nothing we can do about it . ’
15 But there is almost something sad about it — we are talking about people who have become politically impotent . ’
16 Says Peter Alliss : " The Open championship is always special , but there is really nothing quite like the Ryder Cup . "
17 They look after themselves , but there is always someone responsible around if they have any problems .
18 There is the usual graffiti but there are also plenty of flowers to brighten things up .
19 There are lots of things about being a Guide which are similar to being a Brownie — but there are also lots of new and exciting things for you to look forward to .
20 ‘ There are n't many men who would attack a woman on the street but there are plenty who would attack their wife or partner in the privacy of their own home , ’ says Shirley Tulloch of the Community Affairs Branch of the Metropolitan Police .
21 ‘ The club scene in the North is n't too healthy because the players are spread so thinly but there are still plenty of good ones about , ’ he said .
22 In the summer , blues and pinks predominate but there are always plenty of white flowers , especially the white forms of cosmos and Campanula persicifolia , to set off the other colours .
23 We are not too partial to the seaweed , mysterious black-fungus , and other unattractive exotica which tend to be part of our meal , but there are always plenty of other nicer things to choose from .
24 People talk but there 's probably nothing in it . ’
25 Well , that 's obviously a bit of a ridiculous generalisation , but there 's just something about his playing that was unexplainable .
26 But there 's also something important about it .
27 But there 's also plenty going on — you can ride the waves on the windsurf or explore rocky caves with a snorkel .
28 On first encounter it can sound pedestrian , but there 's always something not quite right about the melodies they produce , and the more curiosity that provokes , the more you 're sucked in .
29 Yes , but there 's always one is n't there .
30 But there 's always somebody wanting him you know , at that shop .
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