Example sentences of "but when i [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 At first I could n't see them , but when I heard a little quack I had a close look and saw them all there huddled together and trying to keep warm .
2 ‘ 'When I was a child I spake as a child , I understood as a child , I thought as a child , but when I became a man , I put away childish things .
3 And that may be okay in a departmental level but when I had an integrated global enterprise operating in integrated fashion around an integrated I T system then clearly I can not afford to allow a failure to actually paralyze the system .
4 Cos I do n't normally snore unless I get a cold but when I get a cold I fucking
5 I worked in Norwich for two years and got my City and Guilds in hairdressing , but when I saw an advertisement for a receptionist 's job at a local company ( now ) I jumped at the chance .
6 But when I looked a bit closer , I saw they were advertising gigs that were happening there next week . ’
7 CAN anyone explain why a mail-order figurine takes eight days to arrive from Marseilles in France , but when I order a similar item from Canterbury — just 15 miles up the A2 from here — they advise me to allow 28 days for delivery .
8 But when I criticise a tremolo system for being awkward to change strings on , or a truss rod for being inaccessible , it 's because I change my own strings and adjust my own truss rod .
9 I do n't mean that I hope Alan Ayckbourn falls under a bus , but when I see a really good piece of writing I feel a real desire to emulate .
10 But when I needed a breath of air , or wished to explore Reine , and was out of the attic for an hour or so , leaving him alone there , he became depressed and even a little disagreeable .
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