Example sentences of "but i [verb] [indef pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But I knew nothing at all about Tohoku University , or about the city of Sendai .
2 ‘ I read about it at the time , but I heard none of the details .
3 But I remember something about Don Airey ( Colosseum , Bernie Marsden , Cozy Powell etc. ) playing keyboards in a band of that very name just a couple of years back .
4 I thought it was a bit of a cheek seeing as I 'm due here mornings but I 've nothing against Mrs. Schofield and if she wanted me I was n't above obliging .
5 Well , I tried to turn it into a joke — not a very good one , I admit — but I said something about that party game called consequences , you know where everyone writes down innocent things that get strung together because nobody knows what the others have written and it gets all mixed up so you get a silly story with a stupid ending .
6 Well I 'm , I 'm the same , I was talking to Rob the other day and er , I forget how I mentioned it , but I said something about , oh I think it 's because I was saying why do n't you come up like this week because he 's off this week , and er , he was making some excuse or other , oh I 've got three weeks off in the summer , oh I 'd sooner come up when I 've got this longest spell off , you know , and I want to get this chimney done and blah , blah
7 I know how to build those damned weapons but I know nothing about those fancy triggering devices . ’
8 ‘ I think I may have some , who are very poor , but I know nothing about them , ’ I answered .
9 But I know one in question who said , to hell , or words to the effect ’ — he grinned — ‘ that he could n't gag her if he tried .
10 I still went to the US though , and caddied for Andy North , but I got plenty of chance to talk to Sandy that year ( 1980 ) and struck up an acquaintance with him .
11 In my second year I did n't do very much work , but I did lots of acting and directing .
12 But I want somebody in every one of those companies .
13 My final choice will doubtless find few supporters elsewhere , but I want someone with the dynamism to ensure that no winning opportunity is missed .
14 We must have done because they talked , as we drove , of common friends we had had at that time , but I remembered none of them — or only a name , here and there .
15 But I have nothing at all to complain about .
16 But I have nothing in common with the other new acts there . ’
17 ‘ Mike Phelan is fit again and could come into the reckoning , but I have plenty of options , ’ said the United manager .
18 ‘ I 'm extremely sorry , Monsieur de Chavigny , but I have someone on the line who wants to speak to you personally .
19 BELVILLE : O , she may be your favourite as a waiting maid but I see nothing but clumsy curtseys and awkward airs about her .
20 But I think everything in moderation , but you do n't eat as much butter now as what you used to .
21 Hobbs v. Clark was considered and followed in two further driver 's option cases , Director of Public Prosecutions v. Magill [ 1988 ] R.T.R. 337 and Regan v. Director of Public Prosecutions [ 1990 ] R.T.R. 102 , but I find nothing in the judgments in these cases which provides independent support for what I have called the doctrine of driver 's preference .
22 ‘ No ; but … but I guessed something like that had happened from what you said a while back . ’
23 Might deal with this present moment , but I need something for tomorrow , and the next day , and week next week , and next year .
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