Example sentences of "but it also [vb -s] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Well it seals it but it also helps to erm give you some purchase you see for
2 But it also suffers from a lack of government confidence in its usefulness , either as a carrier for freight traffic or for pleasure cruising .
3 The amount of the deadweight burden is higher the higher is the marginal tax rate and the size of the wedge , but it also depends on supply and demand elasticities for the taxed commodity or activity .
4 But it also depends on the time it takes to get the job .
5 Such an approach overlaps to some extent with the ‘ knowledge-referenced ’ curriculum , but it also results in the inclusion of elements related to health , economics , civics and other ‘ relevant ’ topics which one would not normally find in an academic-style secondary school .
6 Into this arena then a book like Petch 's comes as a tremendous boost to the debate , in that not only does it provide an excellent summary of this area of community care policy ( including Scottish policy ) , but it also goes into the microcosms of eleven supported accommodation projects and looks at how such policy works in practice .
7 It has used these in its work on open cast sites for British Coal , but it also operates under licence some small , deep mines of its own .
8 But it also derives from sharply differing interpretations of the nature of the Muscovite system .
9 Culture , because it provides a set of meanings , can restrain social behaviour but it also refers to ‘ the domain of social experience in which people work out their understanding of the world ’ ( Hales , 1974 ) .
10 It is big — but it also happens to be Japanese , and so presents a juicy target .
11 But it also happens to be true .
12 But it also happens to be true .
13 Most of what we know about echolocation comes from bats ( and human instruments ) , but it also occurs in a number of other unrelated groups of animals .
14 This dome is a wonder of man 's sheer boldness in creativity and a product of the awe-inspiring Kubla Khan , but it also functions as a metaphor for the conscious mind .
15 Not only does this increase costs and emphasise differences between richer and poorer children but it also contributes to a very inflexible and inefficient distribution of learning materials , since under this system ‘ shared ’ material is never bought — only class texts — and it is by no means uncommon to find that as a result a class may end up with only two or three books at its disposal , all in multiple copies .
16 but it also enables to you to eat and breathe at the same time .
17 It seems absurd , but it also seems to the law , that a recklessly-made false statement that free insurance will be given with every motor cycle purchased is caught by section 14 ( since it relates to the provision of a ‘ service ’ ) whereas the section does not catch a false statement that a free helmet will be given , Kinchin v. Ashton Park Scooters Ltd. ( 1984 D.C. ) .
18 Not only is there a great depth to the pressure for change , but it also exists on an enormously wide number of fronts — from the National Curriculum through assessment and on to open enrolment and the local management of schools and ( for some ) beyond that to grant maintained status or other ‘ exotics ’ .
19 It is highly visible in racial attacks or the activities of the National Front , but it also exists in subtler forms at all levels of society in Britain .
20 Merovingian history deserves detailed study in its own right , but it also needs to be understood in the broader context of Late Antique and early medieval history .
21 But it also follows from that that the panel here can make no assumption other then the greenbelt is as in the deposited plan .
22 But it also works as a political metaphor about the whimsical arbitrariness of autocracy with the architects first working under strict supervision and then being granted an illusory whiff of freedom .
23 But it also arises in relation to many conflicts between local interests or communities and a national government .
24 Giddens 's approach is indeed partly based on Foucault , but it also draws on Goffman whose studies of ‘ total institutions ’ we touched on in Chapter 1 .
25 The European eagle owl bone assemblage is similar in this ( Fig. 3.3 ) , but it also shows in more marked fashion the zig-zag pattern seen when the more robust skeletal elements like mandibles , humeri and femora are preferentially preserved ( Andrews & Evans , 1983 ) .
26 That may , in some respects , be healthy but it also has to be said that those reticences marked a division between private and public spheres which may have made compromise possible .
27 Eritrean media expert Hanna Simon summed up the feelings of the group : ‘ We believe the media still can and should be a means of national mobilisation for the tasks of reconstruction , but it also has to be a forum for national debate and the free airing of different views , ’ she said .
28 Eritrean media expert Hanna Simon summed up the feelings of the group : ‘ We believe the media still can and should be a means of national mobilisation for the tasks of reconstruction , but it also has to be a forum for national debate and the free airing of different views , ’ she said .
29 Of course there is strong opposition to some parts of the Bill , to which many of my hon. Friends have drawn the attention of the Minister , but it also has to be said that , perhaps unusually for Government legislation , there is a large part of the Bill on which there is a wide measure of agreement .
30 It 's true that it seduces us with its pulse-quickening thrill , but it also serves as a privileged glimpse into the paranoia , loneliness and tunnel vision of the male survivalist .
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