Example sentences of "but it [was/were] [adj] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 It would have been better to avoid a war , but it was right to resist an indefensible aggression by a regime in whose favour nothing can be said .
2 This view rested on an optimistic assumption that there was employment enough in the economy for all if labour was sufficiently mobile , but it was impossible to test this assumption in the 1830s and 40s .
3 He turned and tried to open the door again , but it was impossible to do so .
4 Oh , yes , she had recognised the sexual awareness that was the dark other side of Luke 's hostility — and had tried to ignore it , but it was impossible to go on pretending it did n't exist now that the preliminary skirmishing was over and he was referring to it openly .
5 Almost all the front doors were open , but it was impossible to see inside .
6 He looked down the road but could see nobody ; the driver had hopped the fence but it was impossible to say where .
7 She would have preferred the noise and distraction of the public restaurant to sitting quietly in a room alone with Robert , but it was impossible to refuse .
8 But it was impossible to tell .
9 But it was impossible to tell now who had been speaking or even to be sure at which of the small crowded tables the speaker sat .
10 But it was impossible to tell what went on behind that massive , tortured brow , perpetually corrugated as if in a continual wince and recoil from life .
11 He shook his arm vigorously for more than a minute , but it was impossible to tell in the uneven twilight whether it dropped out or not .
12 She held the object up , but it was impossible to make it out as it was coated in mud .
13 It was before the tapes were published — but it was impossible to make out what the argument was about . ’
14 But it was impossible to distinguish between the truth of myth and the truth of reality .
15 The ground was rough and uneven , they stumbled into puddles , waded through water , but it was impossible to become more wet than they already were .
16 The publication of details at the time would not have helped the morale of the Allies , but it was impossible to prevent the incident being talked about by servicemen in the area .
17 He tried squeezing through the bars but it was impossible to escape .
18 The casual offensiveness of the governor 's remarks was evident to the senator even before his aide finished his translation ; he glanced sharply at the Annamese , but it was impossible to gauge their reactions from their impassive faces .
19 It should have calmed her , gazing down at the burbling river , should have helped her to think about the problem uppermost in her mind ; but it was impossible to concentrate , knowing that he was close by .
20 It was hard enough to stare at his photograph and make it come to life , but it was impossible to imagine the figure in the picture living in the sort of conditions which Normandin and others had described .
21 I wondered what I would have been like if Lili had been my mother , but it was impossible to imagine Lili in the depths of maternity .
22 There was nothing to do but read , but it was impossible to read for long with Aunt Emily prowling about .
23 She looked at him sharply , but it was impossible to read anything in his enigmatic expression .
24 But it was impossible to forget entirely the rumours that William had been involved with some very undesirable people over the last few years .
25 You could open the doors but it was impossible to get into the car .
26 But it was nice to see all these old geezers with huge noses treating him as if he was a man .
27 We er we got very close to beating Bellevue at Bellevue which was okay I mean everybody 's a bit rusty so and we were experimenting with tyres and everything and er it was only a challenge , but it was nice to get the first meeting on the way and er I was very impressed by some of er the team members of what I saw , I knew er team mate Dean Bargger was doing particularly well scoring 11 points and er he 's really a promising er youngster which I think we can get a lot of use out of , and er in general I mean you know Ellis Stevens was doing particularly well as well , so if those two can keep doing well during the season , then okay mine had a few problems , she only scored 3 points , but that was just a one-off so yeah I thing we look quite strong on paper again now .
28 It was noisy and crowded but it was nice to have it so and Alan need n't have worried that she 'd dislike that .
29 I was n't thinking specifically of old Leeds managers , with a couple of noteable exceptions , but it was nice to have a lot of my favourite ever players included in the same message ! !
30 But it was nice to know the crowd appreciated my performance . ’
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