Example sentences of "but it [be] [v-ing] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I know it 's hot and uncomfortable , but it is helping you — that 's it . ’
2 The influx of new citizens from Russia may be exacerbating the friction in the settlements being established in the Israeli-administered territories won from the country 's Arab neighbours in the various attacks on the country since 1948 , and it represents an exodus of skills that Russia can ill afford to lose , but it is doing nothing but good for the vibrant information technology sector of the Israeli economy .
3 ‘ They have always said they will care for Jennifer completely , and until now they 've only allowed me to stand in for them , but it 's taking its toll .
4 It 's baloney , of course , but it 's getting them a high degree of visibility .
5 I mean if you go down Cornmarket in a normal summer , you can hardly hear anything but erm American voices , so it just shows that there is a vast potential there , but it 's getting them here .
6 But it 's getting it 's getting the image it 's getting
7 And then Super Soccer 's quite good , but it 's getting you get a bit bored of it
8 I can still climb but it 's destroying itself . ’
9 They say if it gets it take the fish out and destroy it but it 's knowing it
10 Well , I do n't suppose this contract 's costing us twenty-one million , but it 's costing us several million , and I would hate to think that er , any of that is being wasted , or not spent in the best possible way , and I would therefore recommend , chair , that we refer the matter of the facilities management contract to the budget review sub-committee for consideration of the way it 's not being implemented .
11 We all know how to use pens — we were taught how to use a pen in primary school — but the computer ca n't read our writing yet , so we use something which looks like a pen , but it 's reading something which does n't look like letter of the alphabet and words , but which it can understand and understand very quickly and very accurately indeed .
12 ‘ That 's what he gets paid for but it 's giving me more grey hairs . ’
13 Right if I can get the video there is a video somewhere in the police station that shows a lot of different police forces , but it 's finding it .
14 I do n't but it 's lying it must be lying on my desk .
15 ‘ It 's getting to us a bit but it 's making us even more determined .
16 and it 's not really the way you want to go in go but it 's carrying you that way instead of you
17 Her ankle was still a shade painful , but it was bearing her weight .
18 It was a lovely looking rabbit but it was wasting its time all cooped up in that cage ! ’
19 But it was seeing her waving — standing there and seeming to wave for ever as she backed away from me .
20 so they 're trying to corner it and it 's munching on grass quite happily , you could see it was watching a minute , but it was watching them away and I think er any minute it 's looking out the corner of its eye and then it 's just gon na go when he sees it getting closer .
21 And it were n't hurting him at all but it was making her feel sick thinking that she was hurting him like .
22 If its policy seemed more or less radical at different times it was n't necessarily changing its view of land reform , but it was keeping its final goal of socialism in sight so it had to make short term expediencies .
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