Example sentences of "but they be [not/n't] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Bu bu , but I mean but they 're not expecting to have it on a plate !
2 But they 're not cooking very well .
3 But they 're not cooking very well .
4 The police have praised Parveen for her courage , but they 're not recommending that women who find themselves in similar situations react in the same way .
5 But they 're not muttering about laying you off if you 're
6 But , once again , let me be on the positive side because I mean there 's no doubt about it there are firms which are doing extremely well in spite of recession at the moment , and they are training people as well , but they 're not training in numbers we really need when we go across the patch as a whole .
7 Scuffles are reported but they 're not given the chance to develop into any serious disturbance .
8 FRONT GATE : They got the hall and the bridge , but they 're not getting the front gate .
9 But Forest manager Clough , already upset with his team 's disappointing start , yesterday declared : ‘ Both players have been to see me about new contracts but they 're not getting them .
10 But they 're not listening ! ’
11 I 'm not it 's just that my fe ah but they 're not laced up are they ?
12 Erm the pressures in the E C at the moment , I think , would be better handled if as nations come , en democratically , economically , erm they come into the E C , not perhaps at the right time for those that are inside , because that might be too late frankly , but but they 're not pushed into the E C en bloc , too early .
13 He thinks that something is known , but they 're not telling .
14 They may be broke but they 're not broken .
15 Well they 're not allowed to , they 're not allowed to yeah but they 're not allowed to do that any more .
16 Yeah , yeah and then they 'll be able to stay Joseph and Charlotte will be full time in January they 're allowed to , I think what it is , is , they 're allowed to start when they 're small part time but they 're not allowed to go full time until the term they 're gon na be five in and you see Charlotte will be five in March and because I think that comes before the Easter of the Bank Holiday , erm she 'll be able to start January full time , where you 're supposed to , you know , three years they 'll all be
17 but they 're not allowed to drive , they 're not allowed to work
18 but they 're not allowed to use them now George said
19 But they 're not turning their backs on life , are they ? ’
20 In some cases population intermingled there 's bound to be conflict whatever happens , it seems to me that these problems can only be solved , first of all by ensuring that all eth ethnic groups have the right to their own culture , their own language , their own religion and so on and to exercise them in their own territory , but they 're not discriminated again in jobs and housing and education , er and then also as you say to help with state sponsored finance people who do decide that they want to migrate , that they do n't want to live in somebody else 's Republic , that they do want to move across the border into , as it were , their own Republic .
21 I can bring along the statements of these people who 've said all sorts of things , you can you know put down at once but they 're not put down .
22 Yes , but they 're not drawn from life .
23 Yes , but they 're not drawn from life .
24 But they 're not paying thirty days .
25 They 're getting married next year but they 're not having any children for three years .
26 ‘ Those are the primate facilities , ’ she said , ‘ but they 're not used .
27 There is also a definite lack of activity from the audience ; they 're screaming their white socks off and their perms are frizzled , but they 're not dancing .
28 ‘ People did enjoy themselves but they 're not permitted to say that , ’ says Michael Herr .
29 But they 're not meant to think about the past , you know , and life before Entering , they really start from when they became Brides of Christ .
30 But they 're not fighting because they 've nobody no , national officials to fight for them .
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