Example sentences of "but they [was/were] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But they were unhappy with the deal and allegedly forced their way into Mr Hawthorne 's home in Hopemoor Place , Darlington , two days later , the court heard .
2 The prime minister , Clement Attlee , and his colleagues were not anti-European , but they were opposed to any kind of integration , though the Foreign Minister , Ernest Bevin , had made it clear from the outset that he was in favour of more cooperation , especially around an Anglo-French core , and by 1947 was even indicating an interest in some kind of customs union .
3 Then the letters came fairly regularly , but they were strange at first — sometimes almost assuming the old relationship , sometimes defensively impersonal , as if he were afraid — we both were — to take too much for granted .
4 They did n't like their mistress , but they were sorry for anyone out on the Moor on a day like that .
5 Sailors were then protesting about their wages , but they were capable of rallying to other causes .
6 Out of approximately one hundred prospective overseas students I spoke with , the majority said they had little intention of returning to China unless conditions improved in all aspects of life in the near future , but they were vague about what they would do overseas once their initial period of advanced education was complete .
7 They were local women and had joined for a job , but they were grandmotherly in a way , just the sort of people the younger girls needed .
8 During the late forties Anglo-Iranian had some concessions to growing Iranian anger but they were far from meeting the popular demands .
9 For the reasons which I have given above I do not think the court in Reg. v. Philippou were justified in reconciling Morris with Lawrence , but they were correct in following Attorney-General 's Reference ( No. 2 of 1982 ) and could have reached their conclusion without relying on Lawrence .
10 There were still celebrated Marxist historians , such as E. P. Thompson , Eric Hobsbawm , Christopher Hill , and John Saville , but they were all at the veteran stage , and there appeared to be no significant youthful successors , as their creed withered throughout eastern Europe .
11 But they were all for certain things and I , I , I remember one er was for anybody who stuttered .
12 It is true that there were one or two errors ; but they were all on level ground and cost little to rectify .
13 Yeah , but they were all like that , they 'd all stab you in the back .
14 At Canberra , gangs would try to beat me up ; in Jamaica there were fights , but they were one to one .
15 Today , having given up smoking about twenty years ago , I find it unbelievable that I should have smoked as many as ten cigarettes a day ; but they were one of the things that helped to create a bond with Dana , something we could share .
16 Mr Brooke said the summer 's inter-party discussions were not peace talks as such , but they were one of the pressures that could be mounted on the terrorists .
17 But they were hot on the trail of a loathsome whine as the party in another mess pined for better days .
18 They had n't quite known whether to be optimistic or pessimistic about the overnight delay , but they were adamant in their belief that none of these parents was capable of doing the things stated in the allegations against them .
19 He did n't actually say the words , but they were implicit in the final look he gave her before disappearing down the companionway .
20 In 1896 , for example , the year in which Radnor Park Congregational Chapel in Folkestone spent £7,000 and Albion Church in Ashton-under-Lyne spent £50,000 on new buildings , Congregationalists at Rothbury in Northumberland built a new chapel for £1,400 but they were fortunate in having the land given them by Lord Armstrong , the arms magnate .
21 It was not perfect with Erica but they were honest with each other — as honest as two lovers can be — and Erica was forgiving .
22 They were nice , friendly people , with all the good-heartedness she 'd expected , but they were different from her own family .
23 McGrath 's best work came from body punches , but they were few in number and he was heavily out-scored by Oakes , whose work was far more varied .
24 By noon eighteen joists had been nailed into position against the roof-tree but they were short of nails and little Willie McGlashan had been sent off to Grandtully to order a load from Donald Stewart 's smithy .
25 These persons were not necessarily well off , but they were literate in Sinhala if not in English and had a relatively high standard of living ; they may be termed local élites .
26 The duke had already sent forward a large detachment under General Humphrey Bland to the Strathbogie district , the principal town of which was Keith , seven miles [ 11 km ] east of the Spey , but they were surprised by a far smaller fighting patrol of 200 rebel foot and 40 horse , who had crossed the Spey under cover of darkness .
27 Your background , your pedigree , yes you you you 've been brought up in a , possibly your fa your your parents , they 've taught you the right way , they are thrilled pieces , or they were if if they ma , they may well have been de dead by that time , but they were thrilled to pieces when you as a pharisee became a teacher , and a ruler , a leader amongst your people !
28 But they were welcome to it .
29 this guy got absolutely marvellous but they were full of it and they said we just learned it we did n't , we did n't go to school or anything like that , we
30 But they were staggered by the size of the haul when officers raided 30 homes yesterday .
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