Example sentences of "but that it [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 But this rule is not so simple as at first sight it looks , for it means , not that priority is gained by registration , but that it is lost through failure to register .
2 Spinoza says that it is no mere accident that this is never so , but that it is built into the essential nature of human beings that they need these relations with others for the achievement of personal fulfilment .
3 One important part of the citizens charter is not so much that it contains many individual ideas and proposals for change , but that it is intended to change the entire attitude of public servants and the way in which citizens approach them .
4 Eliot does not see primitive religion as a necessary basis for Christianity , ‘ I do not believe that Christianity germinates out of natural religion , but that it is given by revelation . ’
5 Evaluation is identified as the fourth and final style of the planning cycle but it is emphasised that evaluation is not simply something that comes as a ‘ big bang ’ at the end of the process , but that it is required throughout .
6 The editors ' underlying theme is that retirement needs to be viewed holistically ; that it is not simply an individual transition but that it is linked to a person 's past or context and , equally importantly , to their social networks , especially family relationships .
7 There is good evidence that this transmissible agent is a virus containing DNA but that it is embedded in a tough proteinaceous capsule .
8 Its report , which appeared in September 1970 , recommended that the structure of the Dip.AD be left relatively unchanged but that it be supplemented by the introduction of four-year sandwich courses , ‘ directed more specifically towards certain categories of industrial and professional design practice ’ .
9 Again , in his biography of Molla Mustafa Sarukhani ( Ak Musli : d. 1016/1608 ) , Ata'i says that the subject , while in retirement from a 40-akce medrese , was in 994/1585–6 given the muftilik of Agras " with [ an ] stipulation and rank " is ambiguous , however , since it could conceivably mean not that the medrese was to be considered as but that it was given with the stipulation that the muderris should receive an medrese in due course ) .
10 Earlier this month , a US District Court in Columbus awarded Reynolds £18 million compensation and said there was a ‘ substantial likelihood that the report of Reynolds 's drug use was not only false , but that it was disseminated with malice . ’
11 For the drift of the argument was essentially that men did not assume leadership , but that it was granted to them according to criteria which took merit and experience , as well as birth and social standing , into consideration .
12 It is scarcely conceivable in the political climate of the time that the alternative would have been adopted as a matter of policy , but that it was avoided at the cost of serious reductions in the level of policing in much of the country suggests a conscious choice .
13 Peacock and Wiseman 's ‘ displacement theory ’ , covering the period 1890–1953 , suggested that public spending was not rising with the smooth , small changes predicted by Wagner , but that it was displaced ( permanently ) upwards by social upheavals associated , for instance , with depressions or wars leading to demands for new social expenditure ( Fig. 15.6 above indicates the displacements of 1914–18 and 1939–45 ) .
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