Example sentences of "but [ex0] was [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was peaceful enough now but there was menace in the heaving swell and a chill in the evening air as we tan up the east coast of Shetland .
2 But there was laughter at his response to a question about a reported split among the directors when he said that the board was ‘ united and happy ’ with the direction the club was taking .
3 But there was laughter at his response to a question about a reported split among the directors when he said that the board was ‘ united and happy ’ with the direction the club was taking .
4 But there was music in his big , strong hands .
5 His first wife had gone to Australia , he had claimed in the dock , but there was doubt about that .
6 But there was doubt in his voice .
7 We lit fires in all the rooms , but there was ice inside the windows in the mornings .
8 When , of all people , his estranged cousin Sam suddenly married Marie in 1902 , not only was John annoyed , but there was outrage on both sides of the highly intolerant Tiller family .
9 But there was change in the air : one woman began to study and others took their cue from her .
10 But there was concern at British isolation from events .
11 Deregulation was expected to be completed by 1993-95 but there was concern at the prospects for the economy in the intervening period .
12 He was smiling at her , but there was concern in his eyes .
13 Resources were limited , and any conclusions must be tentative , but there was evidence of cyclical variations in the energies being monitored and on a significant number of occasions the values detected inside and outside the circle differed dramatically .
14 The Central North Side as a whole was , by the 1980s , represented by the Central North Side Neighborhood Council ( CNSNC ) but there was evidence of tension between the young people brought up in the area for whom there were slim prospects of employment ( levels of unemployment consistently outstripped the city average ) and householders involved in revitalisation .
15 D maintained throughout that he had not intended to kill , but there was evidence from which the jury could infer — and did infer — that he intended to cause grievous bodily harm .
16 He was still holding my arm but there was space between us .
17 The officer looked at him scornfully , but there was pity in his voice as he said quickly , ‘ Shoot him , man !
18 She felt her strength returning , but there was pain in her eyes , chest and throat .
19 " Not a hope , " said Ranteallo , but there was uncertainty in his voice .
20 But there was humour in her tone , and a sparkle in her lovely eyes , and the mouth that had been unhappy for so long now curved in a smile .
21 Finnan 's passengers stowed most of their gear in the hold and the Hearthwares slept there , but there was room for the others in the three-sided cabin , though the roof was so low they bumped their heads .
22 The Association 's chairman , Paul Bell , said there were signs of confidence creeping back into the market but there was room for additional measures if a fullblown recovery was to be seen .
23 You did n't want to hand it , but there was people in the port
24 But there was drama behind the scenes .
25 She looked as if she was still asleep … but there was blood on her breast .
26 But there was respect in his voice as he added , ‘ From where does your great strength come ?
27 But there was trouble at Dovercourt camp when orthodox children refused to eat because the German rabbi who supervised the kitchen was not kosher enough for them .
28 But there was trouble in my family .
29 But there was crudity in Athenian politics before Kleon .
30 But there was encouragement from an entertaining game .
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