Example sentences of "but [ex0] be [noun pl] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 But there are companies who advertise in Yellow Pages that they will do investigations on behalf of employers of future employees .
2 Oxfords and brogue styles have been standard office issue for most of this century , but in the last 30 years the loafer has — thanks to its American and Italian perfectors — become a relaxed and stylish alternative to lace-ups , but there are purists who still harbour doubts about its suitability for the boardroom .
3 But there are precautions which must be taken to make sure the barbecue goes without a hitch and you do n't get a roasting about the raw fare .
4 There is clearly no panacea but there are improvements which can be made in almost all work situations , and which all reflect good management .
5 ‘ I am sorry to disturb you , Abu , ’ said Owen , ‘ but there are things I would know . ’
6 ‘ I do n't , but there are things I have to do at home . ’
7 Please , I 'm asking you to give me your blind trust and it 's unfair of me , but there are things I ca n't bring myself to confess just yet .
8 But there are things he does not know , and the knowledge will somewhat better a case which even so is still black enough .
9 But there are things he lacks .
10 There 's still no miracle cure for facial lines , despite manufacturers ' claims , but there are things you can do to delay them .
11 ‘ He looks strong , ’ DeVore said after a moment , ‘ but there are things you do n't know about him .
12 But there are things you would be ashamed to tell even your doctor , things so vile they can only be confessed to the lowest , most contemptible functionaries of all .
13 But there are things you have no experience of , ’ he continued inexorably as if she had n't spoken .
14 That is rarely , if ever , the case , but there are phenomena which approach it , and which need some thought .
15 Clearly , there are some collocations that are independent of distance , but there are others whose behaviour is highly distance dependent [ Jones & sinclair , 1974 ] .
16 Many are fixed physical constraints about which relatively little can be done but there are others which , in theory at least , can be overcome .
17 Some of these , no doubt , are very satisfactory to us in our present state of opinion about the constitution of bodies , but there are others which are likely to startle us out of our complacency and perhaps ultimately to drive us out of all the hypotheses in which we have hitherto found refuge into that thoroughly conscious ignorance which is a prelude to every real advance.in knowledge .
18 Some fungi succumb to the first heavy frosts , but there are others which seem to thrive in cold , wet weather .
19 I know inside Mr Crangle is curious only as to what I 'm like and wishes me no real harm , but there are others who do . ’
20 There are some observers who think this to be admirable ; but there are others who believe that in such cases the basic obligations that should keep such enthusiasts at home have been obscured by pretension and sentimentality .
21 but there are others who wo n't .
22 But there are strands which it is possible to follow .
23 But there are Brownies who do good turns still , you know , ’ said a voice from the doorway .
24 But there are parents who lose control of their children most often for reasons that are entirely understandable .
25 Well that 's fine then erm and what what what happens is that you do it through a bank but there are banks which I think Barclays and the Cooperative Bank and maybe one or two others do it .
26 Investing in quality home improvements is not difficult , but there are guidelines which you should take care to follow .
27 There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to choosing which typeface and style to use within a document but there are guidelines which can reduce any potential conflicts .
28 Well this varies from individual to individual , but there are individuals who probably spend erm seventy per cent of their time on research , erm twenty per cent on teaching , and ten per cent on playing tennis .
29 A counter-notice which must be served within 21 days after service of the Notice , should only be given where it is required that the party whose statement it is sought to admit , should be called as a witness , but there are witnesses who can not , or should not be called , that is if dead , beyond the seas , or unfit to attend , or who can not after reasonable diligence be identified , or can not reasonably be expected to have any recollection ; consequently in respect of all those persons , the opposing party is not entitled to serve a counter-notice requiring such person to be called unless he can contend that the person can , or should be called .
30 There is no straight humour in the book , but there are places which make you want to laugh .
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