Example sentences of "but [adv] we have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But yo , but luckily we had to check our bottles to make sure there 's no peroxides in them .
2 The theory argues that we can not develop one universal scientific approach to create the perfect organisational structure , but rather we have to look at a number of variables and see how they interact with each other within particular organisations .
3 But perhaps we have grown over-concerned about the conscious levels of rationality and suppressed for too long the reservoirs of subconscious feeling which the Spirit seems to touch and use when a man prays in tongues , with the result that he is built up , even though he can not understand what he is saying ( I Cor. 14:4 ) .
4 We have already seen how persistent early boundary features can be , but perhaps we have underestimated the extent of these earlier divisions .
5 Er , so that 's okay to an extent , but obviously we 've got an approved list of building societies and banks , which we never used to have , but we 've realized that er since B C C I p particularly and the housing market as bad as it is , there are some building societies and banks who may be in difficulties , and if they go down erm then they may not be taken over .
6 But obviously we 've got to be very careful about looking at actual work carried out , bearing in mind that is
7 ‘ It has been very quiet up here for the last two years , but suddenly we have had a surge , ’ says a Vardy spokesman .
8 We 're only two years away from it but already we 've realised just how dull it was .
9 We had owned the Sumatras for just a few months , but already we had seen that they are volatile and eccentric birds , much given to sudden screech-ups and bouts of cackling , which in other chickens would denote the arrival of an egg , but from them seem to signify only that they have given themselves a fright .
10 THE shocking drink-driving ads may be effective but already we have had incidents of courts letting offenders walk free .
11 But anyway we 've grasped the point that the general elections it 's really down to the prime minister to er er to ask for the dissolution of parliament and the prime minister will normally a will normally ask for the dissolution of parliament when he or she thinks they 've got the best chance of winning .
12 But anyway we 've got a tight we 've got a tight time scale .
13 But nevertheless we 've tackled that and come to deal with it .
14 But somehow we have to do it .
15 He had no news of John , but once we had overcome an initial awkwardness , he tried to tell us about his experience .
16 But once we had digested the British skills , we took them over .
17 But once we had to walk all day and climb great trees for just one honey comb .
18 But once we had arrived , and I was on my way to Miss Havisham 's house , I thought only of my bright future .
19 For a few miles , as we hugged the shore of the Strait , the northbound road was paved ; but once we had passed a junction and the track leading eastwards across to Argentina , it reverted to rutted gravel and the wind blew little spirals of dust across it , like ectoplasmic tumbleweed .
20 Oh we try and use ours as little as possible but still we 've had high bills .
21 But clearly we 've got the charter commitments and we need to make sure we fulfil those .
22 Also when we was giving this demonstration for the people in Bloxwich for the , our unit in King George 's playing fields , we 'd got all our weaponry on , on , on show what we 'd got Vickers machine gun , the Brownings rifles this anti-tank bomb anti-tank tube , whatever you li gun , whatever you like to call it , but also we 'd got what , what was termed a bucket bomb .
23 I mean the mixer 's just as bad but really we 've got on to them Brian did and they made a good job , they squared it up .
24 It was awfully sporting of IBM Corp to set up consultancy , systems integration and facilities management ventures in an attempt to put to profitable use the surplus skills of so many of its employees , and only curmudgeons asked if IBMers were actually the right people for the job : sad to say , the curmudgeons were right , and according to Computerworld , the head of the new IBM Consulting Group in White Plains , New York , Robert Howe , says that it is having to hire people from the likes of Andersen Consulting and Coopers & Lybrand , because as he told the paper , ‘ we 've tried IBMers , but frankly we 've had to send some home — some IBM people did n't get the notion of the service business — they did n't understand that we did n't want administrators and middle managers ’ .
25 Fallen leaves in autumn/early winter should not be that much of a problem if you have sited your pond away from deciduous trees , but often we have to make compromises , especially if space is limited .
26 It is not only that quantification can not help eliminate such predicates , but often we have to make use of such predicates in order to make clear that the given quantified sentence does indeed convey an ontological claim .
27 So there 's no consistent upward trend but overall we have seen an uplift since the beginning of this year .
28 I mean I could understand when we had to climb up the belt which was damn dangerous , but now we 've altered all that .
29 But now we 've taken a short cut through the getting-to-know-you games .
30 ‘ We lost our own voice , but now we 've regained it , ’ says one of the teachers .
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