Example sentences of "but [adv] have the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In Indonesia , Gabon and Syria LASMO has no ownership interest in oil and gas reserves , but rather has the right to receive production and/or revenues from the sale of oil , condensate , gas , liquefied natural gas and petroleum gas in accordance with PSCs and other agreements .
2 Not only has that disc problem proved frustrating , but so has the inactivity temporarily imposed by a series of exploratory tests to assess the damage : ‘ Having been injured in the second tour match against Queensland I got back to full fitness , played in the First Test and was looking forward to the second .
3 In Garland v Archer-Shee ( 1931 ) 15 TC 693 , it was held that if the foreign law governing the non-resident trust vested the property in the trustees with the beneficiary taking no interest in the trust property as such but only having the right to enforce the performance of the trust in equity then , contrary to the decision in Archer-Shee v Baker , the taxpayer would not receive income from the actual assets held by the trust but would receive income from a foreign possession .
4 Much as we found originally , it handles quite neutrally at modest speeds , understeers progressively beyond that , but always has the power to boot the tail away .
5 But hardly had the applause for the Collector died down when two hands reached up and dragged him down the stairs by his braces and into the crowd .
6 As they crossed in front of the Queensway Tunnel for the final sprint up William Brown Street , 23-year-old Nadobenko was going so fast he mounted the kerb and bounced back but still had the strength to cross the line in first place .
7 As the eighteenth century went on the combination of the two into " envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary " became the most usual way of designating diplomatic representatives of the second rank , those below that of ambassador but still having the right of audience with the rulers to whom they were accredited .
8 Stephen is inconsistent , using the JC form rarely ( in bus , some and come , each only once ) but usually having the Cockney variant ( in come , money , young , mother , trouble , does , just and up ) .
9 Neither a system of documentation nor a local bridging arrangement can change the national requirement but both have the opportunity to adjust to and to accommodate local preferences , strengths and developments of the curriculum .
10 He wrote to thank the Goldsmiths , but also had the temerity to ask " if they considered him bound to continue in his office for some considerable time longer and not to seek a more remunerative one " .
11 Griffin kills one of his rejects who he suspects of sending him death threats but such is his oily smoothness that he not only conceals his guilt from lady cop Whoopi Goldberg , but also has the wherewithal to outmaneouvre a pretender to his throne .
12 In that situation a child with learning difficulties has access to the full curriculum with his peers but also has the benefit of the SENSS teacher sensi-tively supporting and encouraging .
13 It has the same services , of sending letters and graphics , but also has the capacity for a visual link-up .
14 Last year you were the first not only to give but also to have the desire to do so .
15 We had studied some navigation but now had the chance to try it out in more detail .
16 The physical link between the two sides of the brain , known as the corpus callosum , has the ability to transfer information from one side to the other , so that the two aspects of mental function should not operate in isolation , but potentially have the capacity for interaction and interplay .
17 But then to have the wit and the cold blood to fit the stone back and cover the traces — that could be out of reach of most of us .
18 Meanwhile , David Campbell is wondering how many other youngsters have shared his namesake Raymond 's ambitions in the past but never had the opportunity to achieve them .
19 They have relied upon the ideas of novelists and playwrights with no deep interest in cinema , or the work of second-raters who might have produced something good if they had worked within a more stimulating environment , but never had the chance .
20 Right , what made we want to be , I wanted to be a policeman when I was very young but never had the courage to do it .
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