Example sentences of "but [adv] have [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The writing on other categories of contemporary rugs may be of interest , but rarely has any bearing on their quality or value .
2 Immature and eclipse drakes have confusing mixtures of dark and white plumage , but generally have black head .
3 ‘ Oh , I forgot , ’ she murmured , ‘ your resolution not to do it but just have some fun on the way to not doing it .
4 Sicily for Pound never but once had any existence that was n't either verbal ( as in the wordplay on ‘ Trinacria ’ or the Eleanors ) , or else notional , ideological ( as providing a sort of slender mnemonic crutch for a tendentious reading of history ) .
5 These are awarded each year to those parks which not only provide facilities to a high standard but also have first class caravan holiday homes for hire .
6 He happily helps the farmer but also has some sympathy with the cuddly pet view , if only to the extent that he would n't want to be responsible for wiping rabbits out — as if he could !
7 ‘ It 's a very nostalgic story that pulls the heartstrings , but also has some humour and lightness about it as well .
8 Young skin is not only thinner but also has fewer pigment cells and is less able to protect itself from the sun .
9 ‘ Because , although you 'd said you understood , I decided I 'd better explain , but then had great difficulty in assembling anything which sounded … feasible .
10 By the second year there was little noticeable change : the threats they feared the year before had not materialised , but neither had much progress been made except that the language of contracts replaced that of budgets and allocations .
11 The 10 patients who were lost to follow-up were younger than the rest of the cohort ( mean age : 48 yr vs 60 yr , p=0.05 ) , but otherwise had similar baseline characteristics .
12 In Britain this is the Special Branch , which is formally part of the Criminal Investigation Department ( CID ) but actually has considerable independence .
13 Arkells told us it sympathised with the Gammages but never had any intention of employing them .
14 They tried having two machines but never had enough laundry to justify running them both .
15 This is always spun in oil , but seldom has any indication on the cone .
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