Example sentences of "but [adv] [vb past] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 An important example is George Crabbe , who grew up in poverty but eventually became a priest ; although his poetry is deeply informed by the experience of poverty , he is alienated in many respects from the class into which he was born .
2 Dr Palmer had a horse and trap in the late 19th century but eventually had a chauffeur driven car .
3 He loved apples , but rarely had a chance to eat them .
4 Thus , the UK was still a European leader in innovation in the 1950s and 1960s , but perhaps had a bias towards pure science rather than towards the commercial development of technological ideas that will form the next generation of industries .
5 That 's the number of lucky motorists the Wolfsburg manufacturer has equipped with the Golf G60 Limited , a car that was the subject of over 1000 enquiries when it was announced to dealers in Germany last year but only had a production run of 70 .
6 Many poor households were exempt from domestic rates but still had a vote in the local election ; they had an incentive to vote for high spending programmes .
7 The girl became pregnant , but later suffered a miscarriage .
8 It specialises in Secessionist and German Expressionist art but later became a showcase for the work of Grandma Moses .
9 Outside the walled area , a house built on a disused road ( p. 94 ) began as an aisled structure but later had a corridor and two wings added to it .
10 Interactive Systems Corp — now SunSoft Inc — began by marketing the product strongly , but later faced a barrage of complaints and problems over speed and stability , and reportedly lost a great deal of money over the venture .
11 Ray Wilkins , a former Rangers midfield player , believed that Mr Souness thrived on the pressures of the game but also had a knowledge of the darker side of management .
12 Andy worked mainly in the shop , but also had a chance to play with the Hunts as well as with other famous players of the 1970s such as Doug McLelland , John Garner and Peter Dawson .
13 They claimed to have the weapon purely for self-defence but also had a set of viciously spiked knuckle-dusters .
14 About 130 ad Papias of Hierapolis in Asia Minor recorded traditions about the authorship of the gospels of Matthew and Mark , but also knew a story about Jesus found in the non-canonical ‘ Gospel according to the Hebrews ’ and was quite convinced that the mind of Jesus was captured less from written books than from the oral teaching of those seniors who had known apostles personally .
15 During the next three years , nearly 10,000 million dollars were made available to Europe in ‘ Marshall Aid ’ , which not only enabled Europe to recover and increase goods and services by twenty-five per cent over that three years , but also ensured a market for American-made goods .
16 The overnight explosion not only destroyed the chapel but also sparked a security alert in Dartmouth , Devon .
17 The overnight explosion not only destroyed the chapel but also sparked a security alert in Dartmouth , Devon .
18 Lord James Douglas-Hamilton the Minister for Education and Housing at the Scottish Office not only ascended in a ‘ cherry picker ’ with the Principal to uncover the Napier University sign at Merchiston but also unveiled a plaque and addressed the crowd , praising the contribution of the Scottish ‘ Techs ’ to Scottish education and to the local and national economies .
19 They were then left with a hole to fill but they came up with a rider who not only won at Kirkistown but also showed a lot of talent .
20 SLIGHTLY tired but spiritually refreshed a group from Middlesbrough area returned at the end of October from a memorable series of visits .
21 She let go of her skirts , but immediately felt a prickle of fear at putting herself out of reach of the inn .
22 And the Royal Welch did sing in the rehearsal , it was a record of course , and they sang of what you could see from the hills above Jerusalem , and it was in the minor key and sad as the devil or death , and the green light flickered , and Dylan , short , bandy , prime , obese , and famous among the bars , screamed as I have never heard , but sometimes imagined a scream , and we were all appalled , our pencils silent above the crossword puzzles , and invisible centuries-gone atavistic hair rose on our backs .
23 The intended beneficiary of this dynastic coup was Osred ( II ) , the son of King Alhred by Osgifu , Aelfwald 's sister , a youth of no more than 19 at the time , who reigned for a year but then fell a victim to further shifts of allegiance when in 789 he was taken prisoner , deprived of his kingdom , tonsured at York and expelled , and Aethelred , son of Aethelwald , resumed royal power ( ASC D , s.a. 788 , 789 ) .
24 I had seen these images of John before , but then came a video report from Danish TV back in 1981 .
25 But then came a row with the aged President Tito over the sort of reception he might expect on a visit to Belgrade .
26 Duddy , a flyweight , was a 16–6 winner over the talented Ken Andrews of St Matthew 's but then came a shock in the division when Paddy Brown of Holy Trinity Belfast was beaten .
27 Kieran Loughran was fortunate to clear the ball off the line as the Portadown forwards hovered hungrily around the goalmouth but then came a shock — a Cliftonville goal after 39 minutes .
28 Thanks to support from the prince of Wales , the export stop was extended ; but then came a knee blow .
29 But then came a turning-point .
30 His playing days looked over , but then came a comeback and last year Lumsden was ready , fighting fit to play for Oxford at Twickenham .
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