Example sentences of "but [adv] [adv] [that] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 not , not too hard for her but enough so that it 's uncomfortable
2 Albert smiled at her but so sadly that it brought her no comfort .
3 A class member of Vanessa 's made a birthday cake iced in blue and white , depicting naturally , a ball , hoop , club and the Medau logo — but so beautifully that it was with difficulty that Marjorie was persuaded to cut into it .
4 Be warned though , it does n't work on all PC speakers — there are one or two in the office that emit a sound of some sort , but so quietly that you need a hearing aid to catch anything at all .
5 In a moment he let her go , but only so that he might lift her bodily from the ground .
6 She wanted somehow to have her mother for herself , but only so that she could reject her herself .
7 I let myself think I might adopt him — oh , not altogether , but just so that he could come and stay with me sometimes and I could do things for him .
8 The matters for discussion are s spelt out but just so that you 're under no illusions to what we are aiming to talk about , first issue , first matter is is the proposed provision and distribution of employment land for district councils and Greater York , the reason bearing in mind the need to provide sufficient land for employment in appropriate locations and the second matter is what effect if any will the proposed scale on provision have on adjoining areas in West Yorkshire .
9 The boxes are lined with either straw or wood shavings , not only so that the ferrets can be transported in comfort over bumpy farm tracks and fields , but also so that they can relax in comfort during the periods of rests after working .
10 You should ask for a copy of the letter of appointment so that you can check that your client is going to be there , but also so that you can withdraw instructions if the appointment is too far ahead .
11 His hand curled around the nape of her neck , the pressure of it light but steady so that she had no choice but to lift her head and meet his gaze .
12 This pattern has been changing ; there is a tendency now for girls to keep their babies , and over the last year or so girls have been sent there for a variety of other reasons , but essentially so that they can be assessed on their ability to care for their child .
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