Example sentences of "but [pers pn] are not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But you are not seeing what I see , ’ he assured her .
2 But you are not dying now , and you are not going to die . ’
3 True , it is a risk — many a spring in Britain has thrown a frost at us in April , even May is not unknown — but you are not going to be so daft as to muffle up and go out to do the pruning just because the date or some idiot article says the time is right .
4 Yes — but you are not expected to be a nurse .
5 But you are not allowed to sign the card without making a donation to the Bulgarian Baptist Orphanage !
6 That would worry me if I was a Labour Party member because you have got a good case but you are not putting it across in a way that convinces doctors themselves .
7 By all means let us have personal and private views on this or that book , but we are not employed as professionals to impose such views on society , however well meaning we may be .
8 Cash is available for Wilkinson to spend , and Silver added : ‘ It has always been our policy to back the manager if he feels the team needs strengthening , but we are not looking to sign players just for the sake of it .
9 ‘ We are treating this as murder , but we are not looking for anyone else in connection with it , ’ an RUC spokesman said .
10 ( Many different early blueprints may play into this and compound the fear of the opposite sex , but we are not elaborating on this , as homosexuality is not the subject of this book . )
11 But we are not getting into this game .
12 It gives me great satisfaction but we are not shouting about being second for what might be a few hours . ’
13 The snow will slow her flight somewhat , but we are not pursuing her .
14 But we are not demanding the whole .
15 But we are not seen merely as passive recipients in these interaction processes ; we bring our own autonomous motives and meanings to bear on them — we are at least partially ‘ free ’ .
16 But we are not seeking to be a showcase or represent specifically German interests ’ , explains Pontus Hulten , who is assisted in his work by an international consultative committee .
17 ‘ There have been approaches by several institutions but we are not considering new ventures as a priority , ’ he says .
18 The report also draws upon research presented to it by Professor Cyril Greenland ( reported in full in Greenland , 1987 ) and comments as follows : Thus not only are we not given a definition but we are not given any clue as to which of all the cases that come to social worker 's notice are not high risk .
19 But we are not shirking our duty as tipsters .
20 I made a couple of moderately long speeches on the Felixstowe Dock and Railway Bill , but we are not discussing existing procedure .
21 I know that many killings are done for next to nothing but we are not dealing with street muggers or footloose louts , we are dealing with the middle-aged and the middle-class-people who know which side their bread is buttered and value their reputations almost more than their deeds and their share certificates .
22 Thus the Welsh Office says : ‘ Hospitals have the option to seek self-governing status , but we are not expecting many applications . ’
23 The very rigid structure looks tedious and clumsy to us humans , but we are not meant to be reading it .
24 But we are not told what features of the French peasantry are to be held responsible for Bonapartism , nor what features of Bonapartism are attributable to the French peasantry .
25 He reanimated these bones but we are not told how he brought them to life .
26 But we are not making progress , Robert , are we ! ’
27 ‘ Now we 've tightened up at the back but we are not putting them away up front.do n't seem to be able to put them away up front .
28 But last week a spokesman said ‘ we are showing an interest in the idea but we are not committing ourselves . ’
29 But we are not talking about the abstract .
30 All of the foregoing principles apply to any relationship , but we are not talking about just any relationship .
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