Example sentences of "but [pers pn] is too [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Just imagine him standing by the side of you , with his hands crossed before him in a Miss Mollyish style , his intended bow half a courtsey , his fat arms and legs assisting , as in duty bound ; his side glances at you every ten seconds , while he softly , sweetly and insinuatingly informs you — that he has made the arts his peculiar study for the last eight years , and that he flatters himself , by his unremitting study he has greatly contributed to their improvement ; that he came to Ambleside for that purpose ( 't is a great big lie — he came solely to get a living for himself and family , but he is too proud to acknowledge this ) and hopes that the time has been employed with equal advantage to the arts and to himself . ’
2 Jeremy is coming with me but he is too young to do this alone , and in any case I 'm the only one who can deploy O'Brien . ’
3 But he is too smart to say it : he 's been on a Racism Awareness course .
4 The replies were versions of , ‘ He is a brave man for talking out about corruption , but he is too unstable to make a leader , ’ and ‘ We village people are all stupid , we know that , but we do n't want another war . ’
5 People are showing me great compassion and I appreciate it … but it is too awful to talk about .
6 But it is too late to turn back the clock on the bank 's international expansion .
7 But it is too late for that .
8 What Odysseus hears is without consequence for him ; he is able only to nod his head as a sign to be set free from his bonds ; but it is too late ; his men , who do not listen , know only the song 's danger but nothing of its beauty , and leave him at the mast to save him and themselves .
9 When she sees , to her astonishment , by the light of the lamp , that her mate is the god of Love , she does not attack him , but it is too late to stop him from flying away .
10 But it is too late for that now .
11 But it is too late . ’
12 But it is too late now for regrets , and so we will take our time . ’
13 Tim Devlin , of course , has an advantage as the sitting MP but it is too close to call at the moment . ’
14 But it is too easy , somehow .
15 Mr Dole hopes this year to slip a repeal measure through the Senate attached to another bill , but it is too early to tell whether he has enough support .
16 But it is too early for a balanced assessment of Stockhausen 's place in 20th-century music .
17 Bones in organic rich soil appear to be altering more than bones in well drained sandy soil , but it is too early to attach any significance to this apparent change .
18 ‘ People who have skills in one authority are likely to be accepted in another unless they have higher standards of training and qualifications , but it is too early to see any pattern , ’ he says .
19 But it is too much .
20 ‘ Perhaps I can overcome it in time … but it is too much of … forgive me … of a market , an auction , a commercial venture …
21 But it is too bad .
22 To be fair , it is not dealt with by Nash either , but it is too important an aspect of children 's jokes to be ignored or dismissed lightly .
23 ‘ Bruises ’ is an elongated approximation of head music , but it is too sturdy to be outright trippy ; ‘ American Money ’ works itself into a right old livid lather , but Andy Spearpoint 's guttural snarls hardly qualify the song as a great party trick of our time .
24 Used as a revision book it can prompt and encourage some self-questioning but it is too brief to use as a teaching document .
25 But it is too big to be allowed to fail .
26 Wheelbarrow attempts to pull the bag from the hole , but it is too heavy .
27 An architect 's drawing-board makes an excellent piece of furniture to use for close-range work , but it is too large to be accommodated in the classroom .
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