Example sentences of "but [adv] [verb] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 At an earlier hearing , defence solicitor Colin Nott failed in a bid to have the ban lifted , but successfully appealed at the High Court the next day to have the bail condition lifted so his client could see the baby under supervision .
2 North Cave boasts two public houses : the White Hart on Westgate , built in 1776 , but much altered at the front , was one of the main coaching inns in the mid 19th century ; and the Black Swan on Church Street , rebuilt in 1813 , where ladies could buy bonnets and trimmings in a little shop in the small single-storied part at the far end .
3 In a like manner the force on an electron in an electric field has magnitude and direction but only exists at the coordinates of the electron .
4 Secondly , married women whose earnings are curtailed ( but nevertheless remain at a level above the ICA earnings limit ) or who stop work altogether and claim ICA are likely to find their financial dependency on an earning spouse is increased .
5 By different processes erm but nevertheless receding at the same rate .
6 Now he 's overtaking because he ca n't see but nevertheless Look at the gap there .
7 It looked quite terrifying — but somehow enticing at the same time .
8 It ai n't just her face being all bashed up and that — it 's the way she did n't say nothing , but just stared at the floor .
9 For the first time the pupils did not work in six groups but just sat at the tables as they chose .
10 It would seem obvious that at least some of those practitioners had not in fact vanished at all , but still existed at the time of the Crusades .
11 George Beto , now in semi-retirement but still teaching at the Center , is one of the main actors in the story .
12 There were more horses coming now , less hurriedly than the advance party , but still approaching at a brisk speed from the Cross .
13 Compared with the ICC — whose point was brilliantly proved by strong refereeing at Bridgetown in April by Raman Subba Row — the English Board got close to the root of the problem but unaccountably jibbed at the final fence .
14 Not just meeting the right person at the right time but also developing at the same pace so that you both have the same needs and expectations from life at roughly the same time .
15 During waking life primary process thinking is displaced during the child 's development by secondary process thinking , and in the adult it remains as a neurotic symptom , most clearly during dreaming , but also operating at a subconscious level to influence waking behaviour .
16 The letter to a friend left behind after a move could contain thoughts about the way the family have been treated by immigration officials ; the really interesting letter would not just recount memories , but also hint at the dreams and fears , the expectations and terrors of what lies ahead .
17 Passing the township , both brakes jammed on , I slither and judder down the newly regravelled surface , hoping for something to pass and pick me up , but also marvelling at the open splendour of the valley scenery which surprises me afresh every time I look .
18 Not attempting to arouse er , peoples nationalistic feelings , but really looking at the country .
19 But even looking at a map of an area you already know can be interesting .
20 ‘ Oh , Stevens , ’ he began with a false air of nonchalance , but then seemed at a loss how to continue .
21 She started to leave , but then turned at the doorway and said :
22 Behind and to her right , impassive but occasionally smiling at a legal point , Richard Ingrams sat on his own .
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