Example sentences of "but [pers pn] be [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 But I was to be disappointed .
2 I could n't think of a single thing to say , but dimly realized that I now had my role for the evening ; I had done nothing to bring this off ; but I was to be the identifiable face of the campaign .
3 You were being frightened off because you 'd started asking questions , but I was to be killed because I 'd found some answers . ’
4 It had dawned on me that not only was I leaving the comfortingly familiar surroundings of primary school but that I no longer had any influence whatsoever on the other pupils at the school which I had had before but I was to be demoted to ‘ the annoying first year ’ .
5 When we have cares , we are not to look to pagan religious practices and philosophies for respite , but we are to be as the Apostle Peter put it ‘ Casting all your care upon him , for he careth for you . ’
6 Mhm but they 're to be qualified people involved .
7 The return system , we , we say to the girls they must come back but they 're to be incorporated within the round .
8 True demi-caractère dancers with a sense of comedy are still rare but they are to be found .
9 Other fans simply call them little kids , but they are to be distinguished from other ‘ little kids ’ in other areas of the ground .
10 But they are to be found in any of the ‘ enclosure counties ’ and may be identified immediately as the work of the enclosure commissioners .
11 Local authorities are to retain overall control of community care services , but they are to be responsible for planning , finance and regulation rather than direct provision .
12 But they are to be paid for out of my eventual share .
13 The Pacifics were used at this time on the Nottingham to Marylebone semi-fasts but they were to be transferred away as the rundown of the GC got underway .
14 In November 1946 , the pre-war decision to get rid of the trams was reaffirmed , but they were to be replaced by motor buses and not trolleybuses .
15 But they were to be disappointed .
16 By conceding a large part of Reagan 's requests in both budget cuts and tax reductions , Jones hoped that compromise with the White House would be possible , but he was to be bitterly disappointed .
17 The list could go on , and it may indeed be appropriate to add to or subtract from it , but it is to be hoped that the general point is clear enough — that our first need is to have a very clear level of self-awareness about existing management structures and processes as a precondition for undertaking a review of these elements .
18 But it is to be noted that the only doctrine of Rousseau 's which Wordsworth uses directly after his return from France is that of ‘ the general will ’ — the ‘ will of the people ’ had produced the French Revolution , as Wordsworth explained in his Letter to the Bishop of Llandaff .
19 But it is to be noticed that in our problem the telegraphing business was started not by B but by A. B may have sent his counter-offer by telegram simply out of politeness , and not because he was in any hurry .
20 It is not a matter for our grandchildren or even our children , but it is to be decided in a fortnight 's time .
21 The first task of working out a method whereby society can be apprehended as a social system for the organization of production , rather than as a structure of consciously realized institutions , is only sketched out in The German Ideology , but it was to be developed in all of Marx 's later work , and it culminated in the analysis of capitalism contained in the three volumes of Capital .
22 This chain of events led to British support of NATO becoming the basis of her Second Pillar of grand strategy , but it was to be another four years , and under Churchill 's last Administration , before it was finally set in concrete with the extension of the Brussels Treaty in the October 1954 .
23 The aftermath is seen , but it was to be several days before the damaged locomotive could be removed .
24 Electrification was first mooted during the early LNER days but it was to be 1954 before the final chapter in the story of Victoria opened .
25 But it was to be completely apart from the real functions of government , and courtiers were neither expected nor permitted to be politicians .
26 But it was to be some considerable time before any more was heard of the letters or of Sir George .
27 The arch was to remain one of the important station motifs but it was to be matched and surpassed by the tower .
28 But it was to be Cardiff and not Oxford , railways and not mathematics .
29 But it was to be some time before he began putting his interest to any practical application .
30 This was an elegant and substantial location for higher education but it was to be only the beginning .
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