Example sentences of "but [pers pn] [vb -s] not [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Elizabeth does not love me , but she does not always hate me , and when she brushes my hair perhaps she means to be kind .
2 The new mother is often terrified of making a mistake but she does not really know what is the best thing to do .
3 ‘ Monica does try , ’ he simpered at Jan , ‘ but she 's not really got the touch .
4 ‘ Oh , ’ said McAllister demurely , ‘ he may organise us and look in occasionally , but he does not exactly take part , you know . ’
5 But he does not simply pontificate from his position as an excellent photographer , or regurgitate standard procedures .
6 It is significant that in his affidavit evidence the debtor criticises the quality of the advice he received , but he does not otherwise query the reasonableness of the charges .
7 In general , a potential X does not have all the rights of an X. Prince Charles is a potential King of England , but he does not now have the rights of a king .
8 Ethnocide or something approaching it revolts him , but he does not usually wish to champion the preservation of cultures simply as museum pieces .
9 Mr Boris Yeltsin , the president of Russia , may have won the battle , but he has not yet won the war he has been fighting for more than half a year with the Congress of People 's Deputies .
10 I wrote to the Secretary of State , but he has not even begun to justify the Government 's action .
11 McWilliams is one of the most talented jump jockeys in the land but he has not always been flavour of the month and that 's a pity .
12 I would go for Hoddle on his own but he 's not really got the experience yet .
13 And this one is a very interesting project because it 's being done under the director of , direction of Dr. Michael Eraut in the University , but it involves not merely the University but the East Sussex County Council .
14 The Bill provides a little extra competition and regulation on the margin , but it does not fundamentally transform the regime .
15 But it does not directly question these identities .
16 A procedure on the other hand , is specifically intended to carry out a number of actions , some of which may affect program variables , but it does not directly return a result .
17 But it does not now have these rights although it is highly desirable ( for us ) that its future progress towards them be facilitated .
18 The new editorial policy complicates the process of producing authorised versions , but it does not substantially change it .
19 But it does not always achieve these aims .
20 This is a good system for some educational purposes — for example the provision of inserts to lectures — but it does not always give the user the control of the machine which makes video such an effective tool in language teaching .
21 Anne was right in saying that ‘ you tend to lose the origin of it ’ ; the origins are a long way from what remains , but it does not really matter .
22 This distinction may be justified from a limited epistemological standpoint , it might be said , but it does not really make sense in physical terms .
23 Derkinderen and Crum do well to remind us of this , but it does not really invalidate the portfolio-grid approach .
24 Obviously this is an overstatement , but it does not really exaggerate too much the state of mind many Of us have reached in stratigraphical discussions .
25 This definable zero-point must have some relevance to the archaeological site being dated : potassium-argon dating of a piece of volcanic rock will date the formation of the rock , but it does not necessarily provide any useful information for the archaeologist ; the rock may simply be part of the geological environment of the site .
26 But it does not necessarily hold these monopoly rights for all time .
27 Atomizing language by approaching it bottom-up has yielded results for linguistics , but it does not necessarily follow that the same is true for all language students .
28 Education may try to produce passive and ‘ feminine ’ women , but it does not necessarily succeed .
29 the written transcript will only be used in preference to the tape if neither prosecution nor defence sees any advantage in playing it , but it does not necessarily follow from this that the tape discloses nothing more than the transcript .
30 But it does not necessarily follow that the action of the society is in relation to the grant or refusal of an advance .
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