Example sentences of "but [subord] i [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 But once I have the thing and make it available , and say here is the gift that I promised it 's yours , it 's available , then , all you have to do is come and take it .
2 But if I had the money this is the car I 'd do .
3 But if I defy the village — the parish — I automatically defy Peter .
4 But if I offend the court , its opponents think I am a friend .
5 ‘ We are a bit thin on the ground up front but if I stuck the cleaner and laundry lady out there I know they would give me 110 per cent . ’
6 But if I take the job , ’ she blurted , goaded by the idea that he found her lack of sophistication amusing , ‘ it wo n't be because I like the house .
7 But if I get the right sort of backing I 'm sure we can turn things round .
8 But if I overstepped the mark it was because you made the running . ’
9 " But if I do the thinking , you must obey me , for I ca n't do both .
10 But if I have the power to push , then surely I also have the power to lift ?
11 You will say I ought to have informed you I would not part with the boy in such circumstances as you had taken trouble to describe but until I saw the girl I was not sure in my own mind what to do and only made it up when confronted with her and not taking to her at all .
12 These terminological changes are not made merely for the sake of variety but because I believe the substitute terms convey their meaning more pointedly than Marx 's originals .
13 ‘ So tell me about the twins , ’ I said , not because I was interested , but because I wanted the senator to talk while I dreamed up a strategy to turn down his request .
14 But since I represent the country , I can not agree with this , ’ he stated .
15 But before I take the first step out of here , I think I 'll feel pretty good about the knowledge and inquisitive spirit I 've been able to share and the doors I 've helped open .
16 I start up the hill towards Dýrafjöđ3ur but before I reach the top I am treated to some Icelandic weather .
17 But after I opened the cupboard , I began to think .
18 At first he thought I was mad , but when I took the live animals out of my pocket to show him , he believed me .
19 I wrote to the Secretary of State for the Environment and was told that it was really a matter for the chief environmental officer of the local authority , but when I took the matter up with the local environmental officer , his response — and it is to his credit that he responded — was , ’ Well , it may be bad , but it is not really so bad that I must take any action . ’
20 ‘ We did n't , but when I heard the whisper about the picture I decided to beef up the budget , ’ her father explained .
21 But when I cut the roads it was cut with a finger mower .
22 But when I rubbed the leaves between my fingers and offered her my fingertips to sniff , her reaction was dramatic .
23 Erm and we 're talking about half a thousandth of an inch , and for that you know , the man , but when I investigated the case , the man had been working on these things for about three or four weeks .
24 Yeah , because I mean , like when I had the home erm , that again obviously you ca n't , people said that , I mean , it 's changed a lot but when I had the home you did n't just pull an , out anybody from the street and call them care assistants you had to offer them a day 's training every week
25 I amused myself for about a month doing that , but when I got the cast taken off I found it uncomfortable to play conventional style — so I 've always felt right at home playing over the neck .
26 ‘ I have no idea why he picked me , but when I got the call , I screamed with delight .
27 but when I got the car back on to the road , I mean I 'm a , a complete bag of nerves and I 'm , I 'm not wanting to be walking along the , the edge of the bypass at one o'clock in the morning
28 But when I put the phone down I find he has been standing in the doorway .
29 A DISTRIBUTOR putting leaflets through my door broke the flap of my letter-box , but when I contacted the company concerned , Direct Delivery Ltd. , of Lisburn , they said they were not liable for damages .
30 If I 'd had time to think , I would have used my bat , but when I saw the ball , it was just about to start its downward path .
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