Example sentences of "but [subord] he [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He went on a while about the various tests but where he came out was that she 'd been dead for at least five days , and seven was perfectly possible .
2 But where he spells out ( sometimes in capitals or in italics ) the implications of his observation , she leaves her readers to make their own deductions .
3 But he had a problem : the card she had so rapidly thrust into his hand was her business card , no home address , just Belmodes , Mouncy Street , which he knew but where he did not want to wait to visit .
4 Caruth , out of the rink since last August , was slow to warm up but once he shook off the cobwebs he looked the winner all the way .
5 But although he listened politely to these ideas , Thornton became irritated that none of the people had done any business sums .
6 But although he looked down on Nuri he also looked up at him , and because of that Nuri had a unique ability to touch Mahmoud on the raw .
7 Soon after this , his name was put forward for the Jamaican Senate and he became a member , but although he attended regularly it was not something he took to .
8 No doubt it amused him , but although he did n't laugh outright he took this way of telling her she could forget it .
9 Looking back , Gorbachev was prepared to acknowledge ‘ mistakes in tactics ’ ; but although he travelled more widely throughout the country than previous Soviet leaders , he was also guilty of some remarkably insensitive mistakes ( as when he twice referred to the Soviet Union as ‘ Russia ’ during a visit to the Ukraine ) .
10 Some 300 people lost their jobs when Supercomputer Systems failed ; Chen had hoped to re-hire about 50 of them , but if he goes elsewhere , not many of those are likely to be offered positions .
11 Doubtless he paid a price for that , too , in the misery that darkened his later life , but if he had not felt that misery he could never have created the works he did .
12 Fourth , if , having acted according to these principles , he were subsequently challenged regarding the lawfulness of his conduct , the doctor would have the benefit of the defence of necessity if he had intervened , but if he had not intervened , he would not thereby be in breach of his duty to his patient .
13 Eliot borrowed from it for The Waste Land , thus making it permanently famous ; Pound could not have known of it in 1911 , but if he had then visited the Templars ' cavern-church in Aubeterre he could hardly have failed to remember it in the light of jessie Weston 's argument .
14 If someone has promised that he will prevent the promisee suffering any loss , and he does cause that no such loss arises from that matter , he does what he promised ; but if he does not , because he does not do what he promised , he is condemned in a sum of money , as happens in all obligations for performance .
15 But if he does n't come … ’
16 I hope he 'll change his mind but if he does n't , I 'll play bass .
17 ‘ I do n't know , ’ Sapt said , ‘ but if he does n't get to his coronation today , there 'll never be a coronation for him .
18 I still think he was a good investment , BUT if he does n't get 20+ Premiership goals this year I 'll be disappointed ( unless he gets the winner in the FA cup final on bags a few vs Scum ! ! )
19 Yeah , but if he does n't anything .
20 But if he does n't trust them then they 're not then the Communist Party is n't gon na be able to fulfil their expectations of trying to change the peasants ' mentality to increase production .
21 ‘ He 's not quite there yet but if he keeps on improving as he 's doing , it wo n't be long . ’
22 But if he got away , that was just too bad for you .
23 ‘ He has given himself a hard race , ’ said Josh Gifford , but if he recovers quickly the seven-year-old will go for the H and T Walker Chase at Ascot next weekend .
24 But if he went out flailing with the score at 0-1 in a Test and got out , he would be crucified .
25 You 'd look at the sergeant and if he O. K. d it , you 'd have one but if he did n't , you bloody would n't . ’
26 But if he did n't find out , he 's out of touch and should n't be in his high office .
27 Her mum said Sergeant Joe would take care of that Flash Harry , but if he did n't she 'd have a go herself , she 'd bash Archie 's bowler so hard over his head he 'd never get it off again , he 'd have to go about like a man with no eyeballs .
28 But if he did n't suffer fools gladly , I must ask who would want to ?
29 Er , the second issue is did the plaintiff , Mr ask Peter to get him out of the contract between exchange and completion er that is clearly in dispute but if he did then the further issue is this , were the defendants in breach of contract in failing to advise the plaintiffs at a stage as to the effects of national condition of sale twenty two two and a way out of the contract which was open to him .
30 but if he comes in with some work , you can keep on the check of the standard that they 're up
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